Theory Quick Theory: The Ancient Kingdom's Allies

Hey guys, As always, another quick theory video to share. This one discusses the ancient kingdom's allies. please check it out, I hope you enjoy it.

If you don't want to watch the video, this is the text explanation. The text explanation also adds in how I think it might connect with the locations of the ancient weapons, as I could not fit that part in the 1 minute limitation for YouTube's #shorts.

This one will discuss who the Ancient Kingdom’s allies and the Ancient Weapons Locations.

To begin, There are major kingdoms that are not affiliated with the government or have conflict with the world government. Wano, Elbaf, Fishman Island, and Zou. I believe that those four were allied with the Ancient Kingdom during the Void Century. Sensing their defeat and destruction, the ancient Kingdom entrusted their allies with the Road Poneglyphs, as we see, there was one with the fishmen, one in Wano, I theorize one in Elbaf, and one in Zou. It feels connected that the kingdoms currently opposed to being affiliated with the World Government or are conflicted with them are the ones that are holding a Road Ponegylph, and that they are probably the ones that sided with the Ancient Kingdom in the past. Oden also mentions "It is true, that we were brothers with the Minks" in this case, it could mean allies.
The alliance as well may be hints to the ancient weapons locations.
The power of Poseidon is with the Fishmen, currently in the form of Shirahoshi. The power of Pluton is entrusted to the Mink tribe, in the form of Zunesha, and The power of Uranus will be in Elbaf as it is theorized by others in the community that it may play a role with Thor’s hammer. Wano are entrusted with the return of Joyboy, Monkey D. Luffy! That is may be why Oden was so Keen to open the borders of Wano to welcome Joyboy when they arrive back. Joyboy guide Poseidon, is a companion of Pluton, and Uranus is his crewmate. Joyboy, along with the Ancient Weapons, will be key to the final war.