Speculations Raid failling. FINALE

First of all, let's discuss a bit about Kaido remaining at rooftop after Scabbards fight. He beat them, started to drink, BM show up to talk to him(not really sure why she went there but only a set up for 2 Yonko vs 5 Supernova fight and because she most likely would have killed everybody down there since Marco was already handling 2 YC) and he knew people like Luffy would arrive rooftop to fight him too.

So now that Kaido beat Luffy and he knows everybody is downstairs and no one is coming he has no reason to be there doing nothing. He is a fight addicted just like Yamato, Roger and Oden. So he will probably get downstairs and start to beat everybody. Sure, Yamato is going after him but do you think she is stronger than Luffy? She doesn't know adv armament, she may have CoC but probably not the advanced one. If Luffy with all protagonism and asspulling didn't beat Kaido (it seems a mid to low diff for Kaido) Yamato pretty much would be low to no diffed by him. So no big deal here if she face him alone.

As things are know (everybody is tired of Wano, so much big arc and terrible pace) I would love to see Kaido beating the shit of everybody. Jinbe won against Who's Who? Great, Kaido beat him. Black Maria lost to Robin and Brook? Great, Kaido beat them. All 3 calamities got defeated? Great, Kaido beat everybody who fought them. Finally uses his CoC to knocked out all randoms (remember Oda saying Shanks could knocked out all 100k fishmen when Luffy only knocked out 50k, no big deal for Kaido knocking out what? 5k randoms? Not even that I guess).

Not sure what would happen after that, who would save Luffy but he is not getting back to Onigashima before Onigashima land in Wano. Just want for this joke to end already and move on because there is no scenario for raid to succeed.
Probably we will get some Yamato vs Kaido, with FB and some more development in the why Kaido want Yamato to become Shogun, while this happen Momo will think more about what to do to stop Onigashima. Kaido will leave the roof only after this Onigashima flootig plot was solved
The raid failing at this point is laughable.

not after all the shit that happened...big mom being a clown...Laido..calamities being clowns...useless six ....samurai magically running around killing tension...tama...the ridiculous amount of PIS/CIS...milking the raid to the end of the earth...

it’s like a person that didn’t take shower in weeks who thinks using Perfume will remove the stinky smells from him.
Kaido beating everybody sounds dumb imo. I don't think he even have time for that. Couple of Scabbards dying will probably be the tragedy of Act 3.
He doesn't have time? I mean, most of them would be just one-shotted. Onigashime started to fly at the end of Scabbards fights. We had all the time of Luffy getting to rooftop, they fighting Kaido and BM failling. We were still at sea. Maybe Luffy finally falls at land but we still have enough time I guess.