Im not saying it proves it, its just common sense guys like Rayleigh & Shanks must have stronger Haki, because they are not as durable or have DF like Kaido. Old Rayleigh Probably has much weaker haki than he did 30 years ago. But that still was enough for an Overconfidant Blackbeard to pull back & not fight him.
Now that we're getting a God Valley flashback, I think it's the perfect time to get the consensus on this, do you think Rayleigh interacted with the Rocks Pirates on God Valley?
If I had to guess we was there and fought with Roger. Until the story gives us a reason to think Roger would separate from his crew for the biggest fight in his career I’m guessing his crew helped.
We got absolutely nothing from Ray during the Oden flashback, God Valley is possibly his final chance at unleashing some prime feats that everyone’s been clamoring about.
If Oda doesn’t draw him fighting or going all-out in GV then it would be a massive disservice to all the hype he’s gotten previous chapters.
They're all pirates, and the reason Big Mom isn't on there is because all five of them are stronger than her, just like all five of them are stronger than Rayleigh.
BM wasn't there because Oda doesn't have to draw someone who's next to Kaido already
And kaido already accepted BM can give him a death match.
Both already fought evenly for days without a winner.
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