Fanclub Red Hair Pirates Fanclub

After looking through all the fanclubs, I've noticed that there is no fanclub for the Red Hair Pirates. Well starting now that's finally going to change.

Welcome to the Red Hair Pirates Fanclub!

This fanclub will be all about the Red Hair Pirates.

Chief of the Red Hair Pirates

First Mate/Officer

Other Officers:

  • Bonk Punch -

  • Building Snake -

Non Officer Members:

Other Members:
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Are there any roles for crew members or are we just empty mascots

Do i need say more about Shanks.. some of the only characters that are handled in a way that that aren't directly connected to the narrative at hand or for the most part in arcs but enough is presented about them make you wonder WT IS HE UP TO THIS NIBBA.. its is just recently that he's showed any concern for OnePiece treasure.. and they dood's smiling at the newspaper description about how his 2 peers got whooped.. mad lad