Rewrite this character tournament - Winner's Request

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Hello dear participants and voters of the Rewrite this character tournament! The winner of our inaugural tournament, @Light D Lamperouge requested a training story with the Kuraigana Trio and Shanks, which I have uploaded as a bonus scene in this week's chapter of Higanbana!

I've also uploaded the bonus scene here (click the spoiler to reveal), hopefully you all enjoy it as well!

Zoro stood before the cliff face solemnly, ignoring the rivulets of sweat running down his torso and arms. Standing over ten feet tall, the cliff rocks were smooth and unmarred, perfectly primed for his next training exercise. Zoro gripped Shusui in one hand, Sandai Kitetsu in the other, ignoring the haze of bloodlust that always seemed to ooze, like a miasma, from the cursed blade. His teeth clenched around Wado Ichimonji’s hilt and he felt his muscles tense, gathering power, before he finally released a single mighty swing. A tornado of slicing winds whipped up before him, etching deep gashes into the cliff. Taking on a life of its own, Zoro’s Tatsumaki pressed forward, its implacable force carving away the cliff’s smooth basalt, decades of natural formation undone on the swordsman’s single whim.

“Eh?” Zoro muttered, as he noticed the maelstrom begin to waver. Shakily, unsteadily, the winds began to twist, veering off-course away from the cliffs and towards the blackened foliage of the Shikkearu Kingdom forest. From where he stood, observing impassively from the side, Zoro heard Mihawk’s tongue click before the man stepped forward, dispelling the Tatsumaki with a single flick of his wrist.

“Ugh.” Zoro repressed a frustrated groan, dreading his master’s disapproval, and the sharp tongue with which he frequently and mercilessly dispensed his lectures.

“Focus, Roronoa. Your technique was sloppy.”

“I got it, I got it.” Zoro muttered, not even trying to hide his annoyance. “Blah blah blah, subtlety, blah blah blah, iron bar and all that, right?”


Mihawk turned to glare at Perona, who’d let out a snort of laughter upon hearing Zoro’s irate impression of his master. Clad in a short, tight-fitting black dress and pink striped stockings, Perona had set up a brightly coloured patio umbrella and deckchair set nearby, lazing under the shade with a pitcher of pink lemonade to match her ensemble. A regular observer of the swordsman’s training routine, Perona frequently found herself the target of Mihawk’s ire for her tendency to interject with inane comments, complain about her boredom and laugh at Roronoa’s many failures.

“If you have time to interrupt Roronoa’s training, you have time enough to return to the castle and prepare dinner, Ghost Girl.”

“No way!” Perona stuck out her tongue like a petulant child. “The castle’s all weird and quiet whenever you guys are out training. The monkeys aren’t even there to keep me company either. It’s not cute at all.”

True enough, the Humandrills native to Kuraigana Island had congregated on the outskirts of the forest, peering curiously through the foliage at the scene before them. Among the aggressive warrior apes, Perona spotted several that had modelled their techniques and appearance on Zoro’s, discarding their rusted helmets in favour of filthy cloth bandannas and clutching katanas in their mouths. The Humandrills, who had been silent throughout Zoro’s training routine, suddenly became agitated, hopping up and down and screeching wildly as they sensed the approach of a powerful presence.

Hmm? Mihawk felt a flicker of recognition. This is…


Red Haired Shanks emerged from the forest and into the clearing where the trio stood, his good arm bearing a magnificent bottle of sake. The scars over his eye stretched as a broad grin spread across his face, the young Emperor marvelling at the sight of Zoro’s newfound destructive power.

“Whoa kid, now that’s quite something!” Shanks dropped the bottle on the ground with a soft thump, rubbing his stubbled chin as he peered at the damaged cliff face. “Don’t let Hawk-Eyes tell you otherwise, damn party pooper that he is. Your swordsmanship is really something for your age! Luffy’s one lucky captain to have a Number Two like this.”

“Red-Hair.” Mihawk’s face twisted in a scowl. “Did you have business on this island, or did you come to interrupt Roronoa’s training with your senseless nonsense?”

“Hmph.” Shanks pretended to pout. “I was going to share some exciting news with my old buddy but turns out he still hasn’t gotten that stick outta his ass. Y’know, the one that’s been stuck there the last ten years. Don’t let him bother you kid,” he said, turning to address Zoro. “The rumours about this guy being a vampire? They’re true. Sucks the life right outta everything, he does.”

“Ahahaha!” Perona clutched her sides, doubling over with laughter, and Shanks swore he saw a vein pop in his rival’s forehead. Realising that he was treading on thin ice, Shanks raised his hand in a conciliatory gesture, indicating the bottle on the ground as a peace offering.

“Oh come now Hawk-Eyes, learn to take a joke. Here, let’s crack one open and party like the old times! But before that…” Shanks’s gaze slid towards Zoro, still clutching his katanas. “How ‘bout a duel, then a drink to really bring back the good ‘ol days?”

“How unlike you, Red-Hair.” Zoro sensed a dangerous aura emanating from his master, causing the hairs on his arms to stand bolt upright. Mihawk’s voice was level, but Zoro felt a surge of killing intent pooling beneath his seemingly calm exterior, like a viper poised to strike. “Is being a one-armed has-been boring you so? No matter. Roronoa can pay his condolences to your subordinates when I’m done with you.”

“Ooh, someone’s mad,” Shanks taunted, but Zoro saw his hand drift to Gryphon’s hilt. “Don’t embarrass yourself in front of your little pupil alright? Who knows, he might decide to become my understudy when I beat you.”

Zoro hastily retreated to the safety of the treeline, leaving the two legendary swordsmen circling each other in the clearing, silhouetted by the shattered cliff. Shanks made the first move, a lightning-fast draw sending a slash straight through the mountainside where Mihawk had stood only moments ago. One strike, cleanly penetrating the entire cliff face, the newly opened hole so clean Zoro could see through to the skyline beyond.

Such power… such precision! Zoro felt the blood begin to boil in his veins. So this is what a legendary swordsman is capable of!

“Quit your showboating.” Mihawk retaliated with a mighty slash of his own. Shanks hopped nimbly aside, but the aftershock cleaved through swathes of forest, leaving a trail of cracked and blasted trees in its wake.

“Too slow.” Shanks’s face split in a mocking grin, and black lightning erupted from both swordsmen’s blades as they finally clashed, stirring up gale winds and opening deep fissures in the ground. Yet Zoro never heard the clang as steel blades met, his good eye widening when he realised the force produced was from Haki, the strength of will made manifest alone.

Their blades aren’t even touching! Zoro’s heart pounded wildly, his limbs trembling with anticipation. Someday… that’ll be me. And then…


Zoro blinked in astonishment and both swordsmen turned to face the source of the sudden scream. Perona stood stock still, her hair and clothes dripping with pink lemonade, the pitcher and table having been overturned by the aftermath of the swordsmen’s clash. Her once perfectly coiffed hair was now stuck to the sides of her face and the streaks of eyeliner running down her lashes made her resemble, in Zoro’s opinion, a deranged circus clown.

“…Heh.” Mihawk turned away, but Zoro saw his shoulders shake with near-imperceptible mirth. Shanks at least had the decency to look embarrassed, producing a handkerchief from his pocket and offering it to the sodden girl.

“You… you bastards! This dress cost a fortune!” Perona wailed, and Shanks realised his mistake a split second too late. “You’ll pay for this! Negative Hollow!”

A swish and a pop, a translucent Hollow slid through Shanks’s midsection and the Emperor fell to his knees, touching his forehead to the ground in penitence.

“Makino… I’m sorry. I’m not man enough to walk the same earth as everyone else…”

“That’s right!” Perona huffed, storming away in the direction of the castle. “Get down on your knees and rue the day you were born! Stupid men! Ugh!”

Zoro hid a smirk behind his hand and trailed along after her, deciding to give his master and his guest some privacy. In Perona’s current state, it was almost certain that without his intervention, dinner would go unmade in any case.

Mihawk waited until Zoro was out of earshot before taking a seat on the ground beside Shanks. With a low groan, Shanks rolled onto his back, resting his arm on his forehead as he stared into the sky.

“Ugh, that was rough. Why’d she only hit me? It was your fault too, Hawk-Eyes.”

“You don’t think she hasn’t tried?” Mihawk scoffed. “Turns out her abilities are ineffective on those who possess a certain outlook on life.”

“So what you’re saying is, you were too depressed, even for the ghosts.”

“Hmph.” Mihawk popped the cork from Shanks’s sake bottle, taking a large swig. “I suppose you could say that.”

Moments passed in silence before Mihawk addressed Shanks again.

“Why are you even here, Red Hair?”

Shanks’s expression lit up then, and he pushed himself up on his good hand, beaming at his old friend and rival.

“Hawk-Eyes… turns out I’m gonna be a father!”

Mihawk’s eyes widened, but the corners of his mouth quirked upwards in a smile.

“I see your return to the East Blue was…productive,” he smirked. “My condolences to the child; surrounded by bad influences as he is, it will fall to Makino, undoubtedly, to ensure he does not grow into a ruffian.”

“You’re so mean Hawk-Eyes,” Shanks complained, but his smile did not fade. Grabbing the sake bottle out of Mihawk’s hands, Shanks took a swig himself, releasing a contented sigh. Suddenly, he turned back towards his companion, his demeanour shifting to match the gravity of his next words.

“I’m not gonna do what Captain Roger did. I’ll make sure my kid grows up well. We’ll play catch, go fishing, do all kinds of fun stuff. Maybe I’ll even get Luffy to babysit. I promised Makino after all.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Mihawk’s mind drifted back to Roger’s son, the tormented expression he’d worn on the execution platform. Cut down in the prime of his life, his death served as a stark reminder that there could be no solace for the children of wanted men, not while the Celestial Dragons still reigned. A life outside the stifling boundaries of the World Government and its laws, the search for the truth they’d tried for centuries to bury was anathema to those in power, condemned all who sailed under the black flag to a lifetime of persecution. Shanks knew that as well as anyone, and yet…

“If anyone can change this world, it’d be Luffy and Sir Green over there,” Shanks mused, and Mihawk silently concurred. “Thanks to them, one day my kid’ll be able to grow up in peace. And who knows? Maybe you’ll have one too and they can be friends! Or rivals, ‘cept mine’ll definitely be better looking.”

“You wish.”

Watching the rise of the next generation, the two swordsmen felt a strange rush of emotion. Dread for the challenges they’d face; anticipation for a world someday made free. Faced with the rapid approach of their successors, the beginning of new life, Mihawk’s mind drifted to the final strains of Binks’ Sake, the times they’d sung it so thoughtlessly, so blissfully unaware of what the future would bring. The song’s meaning dawning upon him in a way he couldn’t explain, Mihawk closed his eyes, silently imagining the three swordsmen and the child in Party’s Bar. Yasopp’s fingers dancing over the piano, the chorus of the Red-Haired Pirates ringing in his ears.

Going to deliver Binks’ Sake!

Let’s all sing it with a don! A song of the waves

Doesn’t matter who you are, someday you’ll just be bones

Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny travelling tale!

Hopefully this will entice y'all to participate in the next tournament as well :amazing:

@Tris @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Owl Ki @solis @Ten Yaksha Blother @TheAncientCenturion @Tobi @BleakAsh @Lindltaylor @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Dragomir @KiriNigiri @Guan Yu @Dark Admiral @Jew D. Boy @Steven @Oblivion @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @Inflamed Haki @imacub @Lone Laguna Espada @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Reborn @BangMi @SinOfGreed @Missy @Den_Den_Mushi @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @Rivaille @Nana @Silver @Kiwipom @Horo Horo Musume @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Veku @Gari @Bounty @TheKnightOfTheSea @Zoro D Goat @Melontonin @Horo Horo Musume @Gari @Constantine @Doggo @hime @Nana @Kiwipom @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut
@Light D Lamperouge
@Red Dog
@Prince Kronos
@Jew D. Boy
@Panties Hunter
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Nefertari Rhea
@Buggy D Clown
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Grumpy Zoro
@Ice devil slayer
@Foxy Bunny
@Mr. Bushido
@Dark Hound
@Orojackson Refugee
@Gensui Sazid
@Sword God Ryuma
@Yo Tan Wa
@Topi Jerami
@Owl Ki
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Just a member
@Shanks Joestar
@mad monk
@Daisuke Jigen
@Luffy is the mc
@Dark Admiral
@Don DaSlayer
@Gol D. Roger
@Red Admiral
@Albino 👑
@Garp the Fist
@stairs-kun @Udell @ArdynIzunia


Hello dear participants and voters of the Rewrite this character tournament! The winner of our inaugural tournament, @Light D Lamperouge requested a training story with the Kuraigana Trio and Shanks, which I have uploaded as a bonus scene in this week's chapter of Higanbana!

I've also uploaded the bonus scene here (click the spoiler to reveal), hopefully you all enjoy it as well!

Zoro stood before the cliff face solemnly, ignoring the rivulets of sweat running down his torso and arms. Standing over ten feet tall, the cliff rocks were smooth and unmarred, perfectly primed for his next training exercise. Zoro gripped Shusui in one hand, Sandai Kitetsu in the other, ignoring the haze of bloodlust that always seemed to ooze, like a miasma, from the cursed blade. His teeth clenched around Wado Ichimonji’s hilt and he felt his muscles tense, gathering power, before he finally released a single mighty swing. A tornado of slicing winds whipped up before him, etching deep gashes into the cliff. Taking on a life of its own, Zoro’s Tatsumaki pressed forward, its implacable force carving away the cliff’s smooth basalt, decades of natural formation undone on the swordsman’s single whim.

“Eh?” Zoro muttered, as he noticed the maelstrom begin to waver. Shakily, unsteadily, the winds began to twist, veering off-course away from the cliffs and towards the blackened foliage of the Shikkearu Kingdom forest. From where he stood, observing impassively from the side, Zoro heard Mihawk’s tongue click before the man stepped forward, dispelling the Tatsumaki with a single flick of his wrist.

“Ugh.” Zoro repressed a frustrated groan, dreading his master’s disapproval, and the sharp tongue with which he frequently and mercilessly dispensed his lectures.

“Focus, Roronoa. Your technique was sloppy.”

“I got it, I got it.” Zoro muttered, not even trying to hide his annoyance. “Blah blah blah, subtlety, blah blah blah, iron bar and all that, right?”


Mihawk turned to glare at Perona, who’d let out a snort of laughter upon hearing Zoro’s irate impression of his master. Clad in a short, tight-fitting black dress and pink striped stockings, Perona had set up a brightly coloured patio umbrella and deckchair set nearby, lazing under the shade with a pitcher of pink lemonade to match her ensemble. A regular observer of the swordsman’s training routine, Perona frequently found herself the target of Mihawk’s ire for her tendency to interject with inane comments, complain about her boredom and laugh at Roronoa’s many failures.

“If you have time to interrupt Roronoa’s training, you have time enough to return to the castle and prepare dinner, Ghost Girl.”

“No way!” Perona stuck out her tongue like a petulant child. “The castle’s all weird and quiet whenever you guys are out training. The monkeys aren’t even there to keep me company either. It’s not cute at all.”

True enough, the Humandrills native to Kuraigana Island had congregated on the outskirts of the forest, peering curiously through the foliage at the scene before them. Among the aggressive warrior apes, Perona spotted several that had modelled their techniques and appearance on Zoro’s, discarding their rusted helmets in favour of filthy cloth bandannas and clutching katanas in their mouths. The Humandrills, who had been silent throughout Zoro’s training routine, suddenly became agitated, hopping up and down and screeching wildly as they sensed the approach of a powerful presence.

Hmm? Mihawk felt a flicker of recognition. This is…


Red Haired Shanks emerged from the forest and into the clearing where the trio stood, his good arm bearing a magnificent bottle of sake. The scars over his eye stretched as a broad grin spread across his face, the young Emperor marvelling at the sight of Zoro’s newfound destructive power.

“Whoa kid, now that’s quite something!” Shanks dropped the bottle on the ground with a soft thump, rubbing his stubbled chin as he peered at the damaged cliff face. “Don’t let Hawk-Eyes tell you otherwise, damn party pooper that he is. Your swordsmanship is really something for your age! Luffy’s one lucky captain to have a Number Two like this.”

“Red-Hair.” Mihawk’s face twisted in a scowl. “Did you have business on this island, or did you come to interrupt Roronoa’s training with your senseless nonsense?”

“Hmph.” Shanks pretended to pout. “I was going to share some exciting news with my old buddy but turns out he still hasn’t gotten that stick outta his ass. Y’know, the one that’s been stuck there the last ten years. Don’t let him bother you kid,” he said, turning to address Zoro. “The rumours about this guy being a vampire? They’re true. Sucks the life right outta everything, he does.”

“Ahahaha!” Perona clutched her sides, doubling over with laughter, and Shanks swore he saw a vein pop in his rival’s forehead. Realising that he was treading on thin ice, Shanks raised his hand in a conciliatory gesture, indicating the bottle on the ground as a peace offering.

“Oh come now Hawk-Eyes, learn to take a joke. Here, let’s crack one open and party like the old times! But before that…” Shanks’s gaze slid towards Zoro, still clutching his katanas. “How ‘bout a duel, then a drink to really bring back the good ‘ol days?”

“How unlike you, Red-Hair.” Zoro sensed a dangerous aura emanating from his master, causing the hairs on his arms to stand bolt upright. Mihawk’s voice was level, but Zoro felt a surge of killing intent pooling beneath his seemingly calm exterior, like a viper poised to strike. “Is being a one-armed has-been boring you so? No matter. Roronoa can pay his condolences to your subordinates when I’m done with you.”

“Ooh, someone’s mad,” Shanks taunted, but Zoro saw his hand drift to Gryphon’s hilt. “Don’t embarrass yourself in front of your little pupil alright? Who knows, he might decide to become my understudy when I beat you.”

Zoro hastily retreated to the safety of the treeline, leaving the two legendary swordsmen circling each other in the clearing, silhouetted by the shattered cliff. Shanks made the first move, a lightning-fast draw sending a slash straight through the mountainside where Mihawk had stood only moments ago. One strike, cleanly penetrating the entire cliff face, the newly opened hole so clean Zoro could see through to the skyline beyond.

Such power… such precision! Zoro felt the blood begin to boil in his veins. So this is what a legendary swordsman is capable of!

“Quit your showboating.” Mihawk retaliated with a mighty slash of his own. Shanks hopped nimbly aside, but the aftershock cleaved through swathes of forest, leaving a trail of cracked and blasted trees in its wake.

“Too slow.” Shanks’s face split in a mocking grin, and black lightning erupted from both swordsmen’s blades as they finally clashed, stirring up gale winds and opening deep fissures in the ground. Yet Zoro never heard the clang as steel blades met, his good eye widening when he realised the force produced was from Haki, the strength of will made manifest alone.

Their blades aren’t even touching! Zoro’s heart pounded wildly, his limbs trembling with anticipation. Someday… that’ll be me. And then…


Zoro blinked in astonishment and both swordsmen turned to face the source of the sudden scream. Perona stood stock still, her hair and clothes dripping with pink lemonade, the pitcher and table having been overturned by the aftermath of the swordsmen’s clash. Her once perfectly coiffed hair was now stuck to the sides of her face and the streaks of eyeliner running down her lashes made her resemble, in Zoro’s opinion, a deranged circus clown.

“…Heh.” Mihawk turned away, but Zoro saw his shoulders shake with near-imperceptible mirth. Shanks at least had the decency to look embarrassed, producing a handkerchief from his pocket and offering it to the sodden girl.

“You… you bastards! This dress cost a fortune!” Perona wailed, and Shanks realised his mistake a split second too late. “You’ll pay for this! Negative Hollow!”

A swish and a pop, a translucent Hollow slid through Shanks’s midsection and the Emperor fell to his knees, touching his forehead to the ground in penitence.

“Makino… I’m sorry. I’m not man enough to walk the same earth as everyone else…”

“That’s right!” Perona huffed, storming away in the direction of the castle. “Get down on your knees and rue the day you were born! Stupid men! Ugh!”

Zoro hid a smirk behind his hand and trailed along after her, deciding to give his master and his guest some privacy. In Perona’s current state, it was almost certain that without his intervention, dinner would go unmade in any case.

Mihawk waited until Zoro was out of earshot before taking a seat on the ground beside Shanks. With a low groan, Shanks rolled onto his back, resting his arm on his forehead as he stared into the sky.

“Ugh, that was rough. Why’d she only hit me? It was your fault too, Hawk-Eyes.”

“You don’t think she hasn’t tried?” Mihawk scoffed. “Turns out her abilities are ineffective on those who possess a certain outlook on life.”

“So what you’re saying is, you were too depressed, even for the ghosts.”

“Hmph.” Mihawk popped the cork from Shanks’s sake bottle, taking a large swig. “I suppose you could say that.”

Moments passed in silence before Mihawk addressed Shanks again.

“Why are you even here, Red Hair?”

Shanks’s expression lit up then, and he pushed himself up on his good hand, beaming at his old friend and rival.

“Hawk-Eyes… turns out I’m gonna be a father!”

Mihawk’s eyes widened, but the corners of his mouth quirked upwards in a smile.

“I see your return to the East Blue was…productive,” he smirked. “My condolences to the child; surrounded by bad influences as he is, it will fall to Makino, undoubtedly, to ensure he does not grow into a ruffian.”

“You’re so mean Hawk-Eyes,” Shanks complained, but his smile did not fade. Grabbing the sake bottle out of Mihawk’s hands, Shanks took a swig himself, releasing a contented sigh. Suddenly, he turned back towards his companion, his demeanour shifting to match the gravity of his next words.

“I’m not gonna do what Captain Roger did. I’ll make sure my kid grows up well. We’ll play catch, go fishing, do all kinds of fun stuff. Maybe I’ll even get Luffy to babysit. I promised Makino after all.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Mihawk’s mind drifted back to Roger’s son, the tormented expression he’d worn on the execution platform. Cut down in the prime of his life, his death served as a stark reminder that there could be no solace for the children of wanted men, not while the Celestial Dragons still reigned. A life outside the stifling boundaries of the World Government and its laws, the search for the truth they’d tried for centuries to bury was anathema to those in power, condemned all who sailed under the black flag to a lifetime of persecution. Shanks knew that as well as anyone, and yet…

“If anyone can change this world, it’d be Luffy and Sir Green over there,” Shanks mused, and Mihawk silently concurred. “Thanks to them, one day my kid’ll be able to grow up in peace. And who knows? Maybe you’ll have one too and they can be friends! Or rivals, ‘cept mine’ll definitely be better looking.”

“You wish.”

Watching the rise of the next generation, the two swordsmen felt a strange rush of emotion. Dread for the challenges they’d face; anticipation for a world someday made free. Faced with the rapid approach of their successors, the beginning of new life, Mihawk’s mind drifted to the final strains of Binks’ Sake, the times they’d sung it so thoughtlessly, so blissfully unaware of what the future would bring. The song’s meaning dawning upon him in a way he couldn’t explain, Mihawk closed his eyes, silently imagining the three swordsmen and the child in Party’s Bar. Yasopp’s fingers dancing over the piano, the chorus of the Red-Haired Pirates ringing in his ears.

Going to deliver Binks’ Sake!

Let’s all sing it with a don! A song of the waves

Doesn’t matter who you are, someday you’ll just be bones

Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny travelling tale!

Hopefully this will entice y'all to participate in the next tournament as well :amazing:

@Tris @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Owl Ki @solis @Ten Yaksha Blother @TheAncientCenturion @Tobi @BleakAsh @Lindltaylor @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Dragomir @KiriNigiri @Guan Yu @Dark Admiral @Jew D. Boy @Steven @Oblivion @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @Inflamed Haki @imacub @Lone Laguna Espada @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Reborn @BangMi @SinOfGreed @Missy @Den_Den_Mushi @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @Rivaille @Nana @Silver @Kiwipom @Horo Horo Musume @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Veku @Gari @Bounty @TheKnightOfTheSea @Zoro D Goat @Melontonin @Horo Horo Musume @Gari @Constantine @Doggo @hime @Nana @Kiwipom @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut
@Light D Lamperouge
@Red Dog
@Prince Kronos
@Jew D. Boy
@Panties Hunter
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Nefertari Rhea
@Buggy D Clown
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Grumpy Zoro
@Ice devil slayer
@Foxy Bunny
@Mr. Bushido
@Dark Hound
@Orojackson Refugee
@Gensui Sazid
@Sword God Ryuma
@Yo Tan Wa
@Topi Jerami
@Owl Ki
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Just a member
@Shanks Joestar
@mad monk
@Daisuke Jigen
@Luffy is the mc
@Dark Admiral
@Don DaSlayer
@Gol D. Roger
@Red Admiral
@Albino 👑
@Garp the Fist
@stairs-kun @Udell @ArdynIzunia
Really liked your story!
And congratulations to @Light D Lamperouge for winning the contest!

Wano edition is gonna be fun to watch.:ihaha:
I think we should wait with the Wano edition until Wano is finished.
I think we should wait with the Wano edition until Wano is finished.
The rewrite would only be for one element or aspect of the arc, not a rewrite of the entire plot to date. Which is fine, you could write something about changing a character’s portrayal, or explain how you would actually make people care about Momonosuke so that he doesn’t end up as 180th in the current popularity poll. The arc is getting longer than Dressrosa yet the central characters are a total flop with the fans. That’s deserving of a rewrite in my opinion.
Hello dear participants and voters of the Rewrite this character tournament! The winner of our inaugural tournament, @Light D Lamperouge requested a training story with the Kuraigana Trio and Shanks, which I have uploaded as a bonus scene in this week's chapter of Higanbana!

I've also uploaded the bonus scene here (click the spoiler to reveal), hopefully you all enjoy it as well!

Zoro stood before the cliff face solemnly, ignoring the rivulets of sweat running down his torso and arms. Standing over ten feet tall, the cliff rocks were smooth and unmarred, perfectly primed for his next training exercise. Zoro gripped Shusui in one hand, Sandai Kitetsu in the other, ignoring the haze of bloodlust that always seemed to ooze, like a miasma, from the cursed blade. His teeth clenched around Wado Ichimonji’s hilt and he felt his muscles tense, gathering power, before he finally released a single mighty swing. A tornado of slicing winds whipped up before him, etching deep gashes into the cliff. Taking on a life of its own, Zoro’s Tatsumaki pressed forward, its implacable force carving away the cliff’s smooth basalt, decades of natural formation undone on the swordsman’s single whim.

“Eh?” Zoro muttered, as he noticed the maelstrom begin to waver. Shakily, unsteadily, the winds began to twist, veering off-course away from the cliffs and towards the blackened foliage of the Shikkearu Kingdom forest. From where he stood, observing impassively from the side, Zoro heard Mihawk’s tongue click before the man stepped forward, dispelling the Tatsumaki with a single flick of his wrist.

“Ugh.” Zoro repressed a frustrated groan, dreading his master’s disapproval, and the sharp tongue with which he frequently and mercilessly dispensed his lectures.

“Focus, Roronoa. Your technique was sloppy.”

“I got it, I got it.” Zoro muttered, not even trying to hide his annoyance. “Blah blah blah, subtlety, blah blah blah, iron bar and all that, right?”


Mihawk turned to glare at Perona, who’d let out a snort of laughter upon hearing Zoro’s irate impression of his master. Clad in a short, tight-fitting black dress and pink striped stockings, Perona had set up a brightly coloured patio umbrella and deckchair set nearby, lazing under the shade with a pitcher of pink lemonade to match her ensemble. A regular observer of the swordsman’s training routine, Perona frequently found herself the target of Mihawk’s ire for her tendency to interject with inane comments, complain about her boredom and laugh at Roronoa’s many failures.

“If you have time to interrupt Roronoa’s training, you have time enough to return to the castle and prepare dinner, Ghost Girl.”

“No way!” Perona stuck out her tongue like a petulant child. “The castle’s all weird and quiet whenever you guys are out training. The monkeys aren’t even there to keep me company either. It’s not cute at all.”

True enough, the Humandrills native to Kuraigana Island had congregated on the outskirts of the forest, peering curiously through the foliage at the scene before them. Among the aggressive warrior apes, Perona spotted several that had modelled their techniques and appearance on Zoro’s, discarding their rusted helmets in favour of filthy cloth bandannas and clutching katanas in their mouths. The Humandrills, who had been silent throughout Zoro’s training routine, suddenly became agitated, hopping up and down and screeching wildly as they sensed the approach of a powerful presence.

Hmm? Mihawk felt a flicker of recognition. This is…


Red Haired Shanks emerged from the forest and into the clearing where the trio stood, his good arm bearing a magnificent bottle of sake. The scars over his eye stretched as a broad grin spread across his face, the young Emperor marvelling at the sight of Zoro’s newfound destructive power.

“Whoa kid, now that’s quite something!” Shanks dropped the bottle on the ground with a soft thump, rubbing his stubbled chin as he peered at the damaged cliff face. “Don’t let Hawk-Eyes tell you otherwise, damn party pooper that he is. Your swordsmanship is really something for your age! Luffy’s one lucky captain to have a Number Two like this.”

“Red-Hair.” Mihawk’s face twisted in a scowl. “Did you have business on this island, or did you come to interrupt Roronoa’s training with your senseless nonsense?”

“Hmph.” Shanks pretended to pout. “I was going to share some exciting news with my old buddy but turns out he still hasn’t gotten that stick outta his ass. Y’know, the one that’s been stuck there the last ten years. Don’t let him bother you kid,” he said, turning to address Zoro. “The rumours about this guy being a vampire? They’re true. Sucks the life right outta everything, he does.”

“Ahahaha!” Perona clutched her sides, doubling over with laughter, and Shanks swore he saw a vein pop in his rival’s forehead. Realising that he was treading on thin ice, Shanks raised his hand in a conciliatory gesture, indicating the bottle on the ground as a peace offering.

“Oh come now Hawk-Eyes, learn to take a joke. Here, let’s crack one open and party like the old times! But before that…” Shanks’s gaze slid towards Zoro, still clutching his katanas. “How ‘bout a duel, then a drink to really bring back the good ‘ol days?”

“How unlike you, Red-Hair.” Zoro sensed a dangerous aura emanating from his master, causing the hairs on his arms to stand bolt upright. Mihawk’s voice was level, but Zoro felt a surge of killing intent pooling beneath his seemingly calm exterior, like a viper poised to strike. “Is being a one-armed has-been boring you so? No matter. Roronoa can pay his condolences to your subordinates when I’m done with you.”

“Ooh, someone’s mad,” Shanks taunted, but Zoro saw his hand drift to Gryphon’s hilt. “Don’t embarrass yourself in front of your little pupil alright? Who knows, he might decide to become my understudy when I beat you.”

Zoro hastily retreated to the safety of the treeline, leaving the two legendary swordsmen circling each other in the clearing, silhouetted by the shattered cliff. Shanks made the first move, a lightning-fast draw sending a slash straight through the mountainside where Mihawk had stood only moments ago. One strike, cleanly penetrating the entire cliff face, the newly opened hole so clean Zoro could see through to the skyline beyond.

Such power… such precision! Zoro felt the blood begin to boil in his veins. So this is what a legendary swordsman is capable of!

“Quit your showboating.” Mihawk retaliated with a mighty slash of his own. Shanks hopped nimbly aside, but the aftershock cleaved through swathes of forest, leaving a trail of cracked and blasted trees in its wake.

“Too slow.” Shanks’s face split in a mocking grin, and black lightning erupted from both swordsmen’s blades as they finally clashed, stirring up gale winds and opening deep fissures in the ground. Yet Zoro never heard the clang as steel blades met, his good eye widening when he realised the force produced was from Haki, the strength of will made manifest alone.

Their blades aren’t even touching! Zoro’s heart pounded wildly, his limbs trembling with anticipation. Someday… that’ll be me. And then…


Zoro blinked in astonishment and both swordsmen turned to face the source of the sudden scream. Perona stood stock still, her hair and clothes dripping with pink lemonade, the pitcher and table having been overturned by the aftermath of the swordsmen’s clash. Her once perfectly coiffed hair was now stuck to the sides of her face and the streaks of eyeliner running down her lashes made her resemble, in Zoro’s opinion, a deranged circus clown.

“…Heh.” Mihawk turned away, but Zoro saw his shoulders shake with near-imperceptible mirth. Shanks at least had the decency to look embarrassed, producing a handkerchief from his pocket and offering it to the sodden girl.

“You… you bastards! This dress cost a fortune!” Perona wailed, and Shanks realised his mistake a split second too late. “You’ll pay for this! Negative Hollow!”

A swish and a pop, a translucent Hollow slid through Shanks’s midsection and the Emperor fell to his knees, touching his forehead to the ground in penitence.

“Makino… I’m sorry. I’m not man enough to walk the same earth as everyone else…”

“That’s right!” Perona huffed, storming away in the direction of the castle. “Get down on your knees and rue the day you were born! Stupid men! Ugh!”

Zoro hid a smirk behind his hand and trailed along after her, deciding to give his master and his guest some privacy. In Perona’s current state, it was almost certain that without his intervention, dinner would go unmade in any case.

Mihawk waited until Zoro was out of earshot before taking a seat on the ground beside Shanks. With a low groan, Shanks rolled onto his back, resting his arm on his forehead as he stared into the sky.

“Ugh, that was rough. Why’d she only hit me? It was your fault too, Hawk-Eyes.”

“You don’t think she hasn’t tried?” Mihawk scoffed. “Turns out her abilities are ineffective on those who possess a certain outlook on life.”

“So what you’re saying is, you were too depressed, even for the ghosts.”

“Hmph.” Mihawk popped the cork from Shanks’s sake bottle, taking a large swig. “I suppose you could say that.”

Moments passed in silence before Mihawk addressed Shanks again.

“Why are you even here, Red Hair?”

Shanks’s expression lit up then, and he pushed himself up on his good hand, beaming at his old friend and rival.

“Hawk-Eyes… turns out I’m gonna be a father!”

Mihawk’s eyes widened, but the corners of his mouth quirked upwards in a smile.

“I see your return to the East Blue was…productive,” he smirked. “My condolences to the child; surrounded by bad influences as he is, it will fall to Makino, undoubtedly, to ensure he does not grow into a ruffian.”

“You’re so mean Hawk-Eyes,” Shanks complained, but his smile did not fade. Grabbing the sake bottle out of Mihawk’s hands, Shanks took a swig himself, releasing a contented sigh. Suddenly, he turned back towards his companion, his demeanour shifting to match the gravity of his next words.

“I’m not gonna do what Captain Roger did. I’ll make sure my kid grows up well. We’ll play catch, go fishing, do all kinds of fun stuff. Maybe I’ll even get Luffy to babysit. I promised Makino after all.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Mihawk’s mind drifted back to Roger’s son, the tormented expression he’d worn on the execution platform. Cut down in the prime of his life, his death served as a stark reminder that there could be no solace for the children of wanted men, not while the Celestial Dragons still reigned. A life outside the stifling boundaries of the World Government and its laws, the search for the truth they’d tried for centuries to bury was anathema to those in power, condemned all who sailed under the black flag to a lifetime of persecution. Shanks knew that as well as anyone, and yet…

“If anyone can change this world, it’d be Luffy and Sir Green over there,” Shanks mused, and Mihawk silently concurred. “Thanks to them, one day my kid’ll be able to grow up in peace. And who knows? Maybe you’ll have one too and they can be friends! Or rivals, ‘cept mine’ll definitely be better looking.”

“You wish.”

Watching the rise of the next generation, the two swordsmen felt a strange rush of emotion. Dread for the challenges they’d face; anticipation for a world someday made free. Faced with the rapid approach of their successors, the beginning of new life, Mihawk’s mind drifted to the final strains of Binks’ Sake, the times they’d sung it so thoughtlessly, so blissfully unaware of what the future would bring. The song’s meaning dawning upon him in a way he couldn’t explain, Mihawk closed his eyes, silently imagining the three swordsmen and the child in Party’s Bar. Yasopp’s fingers dancing over the piano, the chorus of the Red-Haired Pirates ringing in his ears.

Going to deliver Binks’ Sake!

Let’s all sing it with a don! A song of the waves

Doesn’t matter who you are, someday you’ll just be bones

Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny travelling tale!

Hopefully this will entice y'all to participate in the next tournament as well :amazing:

@Tris @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Owl Ki @solis @Ten Yaksha Blother @TheAncientCenturion @Tobi @BleakAsh @Lindltaylor @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Dragomir @KiriNigiri @Guan Yu @Dark Admiral @Jew D. Boy @Steven @Oblivion @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @Inflamed Haki @imacub @Lone Laguna Espada @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Reborn @BangMi @SinOfGreed @Missy @Den_Den_Mushi @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @Rivaille @Nana @Silver @Kiwipom @Horo Horo Musume @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Veku @Gari @Bounty @TheKnightOfTheSea @Zoro D Goat @Melontonin @Horo Horo Musume @Gari @Constantine @Doggo @hime @Nana @Kiwipom @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut
@Light D Lamperouge
@Red Dog
@Prince Kronos
@Jew D. Boy
@Panties Hunter
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Nefertari Rhea
@Buggy D Clown
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Grumpy Zoro
@Ice devil slayer
@Foxy Bunny
@Mr. Bushido
@Dark Hound
@Orojackson Refugee
@Gensui Sazid
@Sword God Ryuma
@Yo Tan Wa
@Topi Jerami
@Owl Ki
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Just a member
@Shanks Joestar
@mad monk
@Daisuke Jigen
@Luffy is the mc
@Dark Admiral
@Don DaSlayer
@Gol D. Roger
@Red Admiral
@Albino 👑
@Garp the Fist
@stairs-kun @Udell @ArdynIzunia
If you're gonna mention me in the tournament starting post I may participate, I don't use WG on a daily basis or smth, so I won't find your post my myself anyways.