Ouki predicted the existence of another Zhao army, without having anything to go off by. No one knew except chosou, and Riboku had a blockade on all info. Yet ouki predicted this other army. Ouki was brighter than Riboku here.
He predicted it based on Chousou's movements and the terrain he fell back to. That is why I'm saying those situations are not comperable. Because in Sai there was nothing to read that would suggest incoming ambush.

Nah, Kanki ambushing Riboku was not plot, some other Riboku cuck was arguing the same shit, Riboku was underrating Kanki, he was talking shit about how he doesn't have any scheme left up his sleeve, how all he can do is sneak moves, about how he's a sitting duck waiting to be killed. He got humbled because he overestimated himself and underestimated Kanki. But Riboku surviving Kanki's assault is full of plot armor. Zeno was a few men away from Riboku.. yet hara forgets he's even there until reinforcement come and then a couple of arrows are enough to push him back a good distance. Kanki instead of finishing off Riboku starts having a podcast conversing with Riboku when he knows time is short, Kaine having advCoO all of a sudden etc. All of this is clear P.I.S, just like Ouki stopping mid-blow to finish off houken, if he just completes his swing, houken is dead and Ouki can get out alive from his predicament easily. And Riboku's plan would've failed. But plot and houken's strength were the ones that actually killed ouki.
It had nothing to do with Riboku underastimating Kanki. In fact you can argue he overestimated him, since he incorrectly assumed Kanki can get his hands of civilians.
The lost of atsuyo is big, it's become a base for Qin to attack the Northern Zhao, it's a big city, Zhao just lost the whole southern part and he loses atsuyo aswell. That's a huge L, His goal first and foremost is to protect Zhao not kill kanki. 1/2 of Zhao have been taken by Qin. He's gotten L's continuously, his 1 W came with cost of another L. Not impressive, he hasn't retained one territory back from Qin. Setting up traps here and there while losing on massive territory is not a W.

Houken is a 3GH, he killed Ouki, Duke and Gekishin. He's been the most impressive Commander amongst Zhao. He's not a bodyguard under Riboku, his credit is his own. Riboku doesn't automatically get Houken's credit.
Gaimou is a general that uses brawn and strength alone, he has some strategist to do the planning, doesn't take away from his credit.
Shin and Ten have the same relationship on some occasion. Riboku is a glorified ten.
While houken is like shin.
Gaimou is a general that uses brawn and strength alone, he has some strategist to do the planning, doesn't take away from his credit.
Shin and Ten have the same relationship on some occasion. Riboku is a glorified ten.
While houken is like shin.