Road to Laugh Tale Booklet

Chapter 234, Page 166
D: Where is Villa? In Vol. 11, it's having a "coup d'état", in chapter 228 it's a "merry town". What's going on?

O: Oh. Well spotted. 400 years ago when Noland visited it, Villa was indeed just a merry town, but these days it's a violent and dangerous country in the midst of a coup d'état (rebellion). But it's not really so much what's happening in Villa, as what's happening all around the world at this time. I think you'll discover what I mean in the near future. Not as large as Alabasta, it's just a small country in the Grand Line.

So hold off on your sightseeing trips

Chapter 234, Page 166
D: Where is Villa? In Vol. 11, it's having a "coup d'état", in chapter 228 it's a "merry town". What's going on?

O: Oh. Well spotted. 400 years ago when Noland visited it, Villa was indeed just a merry town, but these days it's a violent and dangerous country in the midst of a coup d'état (rebellion). But it's not really so much what's happening in Villa, as what's happening all around the world at this time. I think you'll discover what I mean in the near future. Not as large as Alabasta, it's just a small country in the Grand Line.

So hold off on your sightseeing trips

Grandline so not the New World ?:quest:
No lol, just the scene of her reading about Vira, which is the kingdom Noland was from.

That section is talking about the 4th RP, and how it's either on Hachinosu, Elbaf or there.

Tbh, I feel like Vira is a decoy, unless Oda wants to show what happens when the Revolutionaries liberate a country. It was very generic looking in Nolands flashback. Not to mention, it being in the new world seems weird.

The other 2 were basic guesses everyone has had, and I feel like in order for the story to finish organically and "as fast as possible", it should just be hidden on Elbaf. But maybe it's something crazy like on a sky island above Elbaf and you have to climb the tree to get to it lol