Fanclub Rob Lucci X Nefertari Vivi Fanclub

In the end Imu was not more than a passing thougth anymore - A mere bad feeling one got, while thinking back to those same moments, when the ocean rumbled and the water hissed and boiled and crushed everything beneath its might. Wood bursting, people screaming - so many persons had died that day… .

But the brutal end was over. And as Vivi leaned over the Marine vessel’s railing, she recalled how every other fairytale ended. Was this the moment after the heroes had sailed into the horizon? Was this their happy end, after which the story had ended and the child went to sleep?

If so, than it felt hollow somehow. Like a facade, painted colorfully, so the children would not see the awful side residing within this beautiful tale.

Vivi held her nose into the fresh sea breeze that deemed to guide them towards their final destination: Alabasta.

A purpose. A wish. A need.


The wind slowly picked up as the clouds above slowly thickened with watery heaviness. Taking another deep breath, the princess recalled, what her wish was. And she would see to it that it was fulfilled. Because, if it was not her, who fought for it, who else would?

For all there is to life, it starts with the will to live one’s own dreams. This had always been the view she had on life. And her adventure with Luffy and her friends had proven just how right she was.


Since the red line had been crushed under Luffy’s might … . Since everyone was now free … .

Suddenly, there was a lump in her throat as her eyes filled with unwanted tears. She would not cry – not now anymore. This was their end and how they had envisioned it! And so, she fought the brimming waters threatening to be shed by her already red, puffy dephts.

Gripping the railing, an exhale brought her back and grounded her once more. It was difficult. Now, that her father was gone, now that her friends were once again far away. How could she fullfill the role she was going to be pushed into?

She had hoped to have her father by her side at least, after she had ascended to the throne. To guide her and advise her. Now, that she was actually going to sit on it as queen, that seat looked so much more than intimidating. It frightened her immensely. She would have never anticipated for her being left to rule as a sole ruler without any support.

Even if her father had seen to it that Vivi was actually slowly becoming familiar with political matters of state, the short time she was prepared, she did not realise just how crucial this period was now for her.

Oh, just how naïve she had been back then! If she could just have done something to talk some sense into the girl, who had skipped her father’s councel meetings only to take a ride out with Karou back then – now she would have done everything to sit together with her father at a table and gladly hear about those boring political matters, if it meant she could at least see him for a final time.

She winced as a first droplet of the oncoming storm splattered on her cheek, shedding what she forced down. With a delicate hand, she felt for the wetness and looked at it on her hand. She did not know if it was solely water or if her own sadness was mingled in between.

Looking up she noted that the weather was mirroring her mood. And as funny as this seemed, she was glad for it. At least someone, who understood her feelings.

Another droplet hit her bare arm and another. Soon, a soft rain came upon them and painted the wooden deck in a darker shade. It felt good on her skin – the coldness of it all and she closed her eyes. Almost numbing and soothing her pain, when the water slowly soaked her hair and dress, making both coolly cling to her delicate skin.

Suddenly, the rain stopped curiously enough.

Opening her eyes, Vivi noticed the bat-like wing, which was spread above her, shielding her from the silent anslaught of the rain.

Glancing to her side, she peeked up at the man, who out of all people had decided to accompany her.

He was silent as always. A calm presence next to her. His own black hair and white clothes soaking up the water that came down steadily.

Vivi still didn’t know how to act around him. She would have liked it if Nami or Sanji would have stayed with her. She knew her feelings towards them. But she did not know how to handle Lucci at all. She felt no pain or anger anymore towards him. And she knew he would protect her with his life if it came to it.

But… . Whenever she thought about him, there was only a coil of regret, helplessness and gratefulness. And this muddle kept on growing the more she interacted with him.

“Thank you.” She forced the start of a conversation.

“It wouldn’t be adverse, if the queen of Alabasta would start her reign ill with a cold.” He told her matter of factly with that always stoic expression of his.

A small smile krept onto her face unasked. She forced it back. Vivi knew he was not the man who showed many feelings, but his actions always belied how he felt. And he cared for her, that much was obvious.

At least, Vivi could speak to him again. There had been a time, when this casual interactings between them had not been possible. A time right after Vivi had found the crew after her escape from the world government. She had been glad and relieved when she – for the first time in two years –had set foot on the Straw hat pirate’s ship again, only to paralyse right as her eyes behold who else had joined Luffy’s crew.

She had raged, she had stormed, she had demanded Luffy to outcast the former CP0 agent in fright that the other would go against them in the near future.

Vivi had been wrong. And it still hurt to admit to it.

Time had proven Lucci to be a great man and a reliable person. The crew had depended on him and he did not disappoint the trust they had laid in him. They were all no mere friends, but like always – had welcomed him into their family.

It had been painful to see it at first and Vivi had fought against it the best she could. But in the end, she let her anger and resentment go.

Though, the princess noted that she still could not call him her friend. She was hesitant to do so. And why that was, she did not know.

With the first gust of wind that blew into her face, Vivi mentally prepared herself for the inevitable storm that was about to rise before them.

“The waves soon will become taller.” Her self-proclaimed protector mentioned next to her. It was not a warning, nor did he tell her to go and hide under deck. No, this was as much an indirect comment as all of Lucci’s insinuations were. A veiled concern for her wellbeing.

“I know.” She replied rather clipped and hated herself for it. Because it sounded harsh as an answer to his concern for her.

“Don’t worry.” She added as soft as she allowed herself to sound. And it was strange, because `allow´ was a word she did not know she would need to use to describe her feelings towards him. If she thought about it, she did notice that part of her was averse of him as a person. Why was this? Peeking up at him, Vivi for the first time since they knew each other mustered Lucci intently. The angular features, and the always stoic gaze, his soft black hair and the funny beard. It was the same person, who had fought beside her in the final battle. And when she looked at him, she somehow needed to think unintendedly at her friends and the time they had together – he had been a part of that cherished memory, too.

Lucci must have felt her gaze upon him, because within the next moment, his own inquiring eyes met hers. Vivi could very well imagining him asking, if something was amiss, but it stayed unadressed, like so many other things between them.

She forced her mouth into a smirk.

It felt hollow.

Above them ths blanked of dark cloulds rolled over them, thick and pregnant. The storm that was threatening them seemed to pass them luckily. The few droplets and the small flurries dancing over the deck soon died down as the weather lightened. Soon, their destination would be visible on the horizon and Vivi was somehow eager and fearful to finally set foot onto her homeland.


I may be writing another part of it. It depends if you want another part or not. (I wrote Lucci as a vampire, since I think he will turn into one after Stussy bit him and Kaku.)
I just found another reference of Oda, connecting Vivi with the theme of "Marriage", beside this page:

And here it is:

"Bride training" huh? Well... .

I am starting to belive that Oda is really setting Vivi up to marry someone at the end of One Piece or in the near future, just like her father wanted her to.
And luckily the list of possible candidates is rather short.

First of all, since Vivi is a very important character, Oda will most probably not marry her off to someone, who we are not familiar with. It will most likely be a male character, who is also important to the storyline. Considering this, Oda will most likely make Vivi have heavy interaction with the character. This means that she will develope a connection towards him - be it bad or good:

He could be a candidate. Vivi has a really strong and lasting relationship with him.

He is also an option, seeing as he loves all women, including Vivi. Their bond is strong, too.

Yes - we even have to consider Wapol as a candidate, since he was the reason Vivi was able to flee and he has become more important to the story this way. (Yes - I think almost all of you do not believe that Wapol and Vivi could become a pair - me too. But we still have to consider it and cannot rule him out, just because we think it unlikely.).

Koza is, of course, another candidate we cannot forget. He was important during Alabasta and Vivi aand him know each other since childhood.

Last but not least is Lucci. Vivi has a connection to him, too - even if it is a bad one. Oda made her approach him of all people during that incident with Shirahoshi. Also, it was Lucci, who brought her back and took her into custody. I think Vivi hates Lucci now.

But the funny thing is ... from all those candidates just listed above, I can only find references towards one of them:
Why is it that of all things cats help Vivi with her task?
Besides, look at the name of the reader, who requested it.

But maybe it is nothing... . :milaugh: