Theory Rocks D. Xebec: The Devourer of Gods (Rocks' Devil Fruit, Personality, God Valley Incident)

In this theory I want to address an open plot point I have noticed and how it ties to Rocks D. Xebec and the Celestial Dragons. I'll theorize a bit about Xebec's potential personality as well as his devil fruit and the God Valley Incident.


Celestial Dragons being eaten:

Back in chapter 764 Corazon brought up a common saying for the kids in the community of the Celestial Dragons.


I think this saying similar to many other sayings in our real world has some truth behind it. The only way Corazon can know about this is if this saying came up regularly in the time he still lived in Mary Joa alongside the other Celestial Dragons. So let's look at the timeline:

- Corazon was born 39 year ago
- Left Mary Joa at age 6 so 33 years ago

So assuming you have to be at least 1 year old to remember sth (Momo remembers Roger even at age 2) lets go with the assumption that Corazon had heard this between 38 and 33 years ago. Corazon said this when he was 23 years old so its not that much of a stretch to assume he remembers a common saying from his childhood. All of this must've happened at least more than 34 years ago but more like more than 38 years ago.

How does Rocks play into this?
We know Rocks regularly hosted terror-attacks against the World Government and most likely hated the Celestial Dragons since it seems like he was clearly targeting them in the God Valley incident (also based on his real life inspiration which I get into later in this theory).
Important here is the God Valley Incident. I think its the actual root of this saying. The God Valley Incident was 38 years ago and Rocks era was over 40 years ago so it is perfectly in line with the time line I have presented before.

The Celestial Dragons specifically themselves, not just the Gorosei, seem to have feared/still fear the D.s. But judging by how the Celestial Dragons act they seem to have no actual interest in their past and history and that they most likely went to war against the D.s back in the day or sth like that. They were probably told so but didnt take it serious because noone has ever challenged or threatened them before for centuries. Whats more rational in my opinion is the possibility of a recent event reminding them (only the Celestial Dragons like Charlos not the Gorosei) about the threat of the D.s. And this goes perfectly in line with Rocks D. Xebec and the God Valley Incident.

According to Sengoku, Rocks broke the worlds biggest taboos. These taboos most likely include the ancient weapons and/or the history of the World. This most likely included something about the history and the meaning of "D." possibly resulting in Rocks becoming proud of his name D. or something like that. Either way it must have stood out to the Celestial Dragons. How does this correlate to the phrase Corazon brought up though?

This might sound like a stupid reach but hear me out first ( ). The popular belief is that the D stands for a smile/laugh because it looks like an open mouth. And while that could be true, I don't think Oda is trying to set one single definition for it. I think he's trying to keep it universal and likes to play around with it, like a symbol with multiple meanings or ways it can be interpreted. So going back to what it could symbolize I think one of the other options is the following:
The first observation that it looks like a mouth is correct. But its empty. There are no teeth in the way and the mouth is completely open, similar to how you open your mouth when you eat or want to bite something. I think what the Celestial Dragons saw might've been a (huge) mouth opening and it manifested as the D.s eating Celestial Dragons in their community.
This is not supposed to mean that this is the actual meaning of "D.". No, I'm just saying this could be Oda just playing around with it similar to how he does with "D." symbolizing a laugh :D (like Laugh Tale). Unless the D. literally does stand for laughing in the OP-Verse which I heavily doubt.

What does that have to do with Rocks knowing about the history and meaning of D? I think Rocks somehow (I won't go into detail for this now) found out about the whole "Gods natural enemy"-idea and that's why he started these terror attacks. Whether it also has to do with his past life maybe as a child or whether he just believed that was his purpose in life (I tend towards this) is not that important for now. Both result in the same thing: him hunting down Celestial Dragons.

What stood out to me was the title of chapter 957 in which the God Valley Incident and all this extra information was revealed. The most important thing about this chapter at least in-verse wise was the mention of the God Valley Incident. This and the fact that Sengoku made clear that they have regularly hosted terror attacks against the World Government before.

The title of that chapter is "Ultimate". Many thought "Ultimate" was a reference to the the Rocks pirates as the ultimate pirate crew or the bounties. But looking at the definition of "ultimate" I think there's another option open I've seen nobody address before:
According to the Cambridge dictionary the "Ultimate" means: most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst What I wanna focus on here are the words "most extreme or important" and "final" As I've said the focus of that chapter was the God Valley Incident and Sengoku had told us about past terror attacks against the WG (= CD).
Putting these two things together the God Valley Incident was Rocks ultimate mission/attack on the WG/CD. It was his most extreme, most important and final mission.
I'm not gonna go into detail for this theory about how he found out about all the Celestial Dragons gathering on God Valley but that must've been his wake up call to start this final mission/attack. Also Corazon mentioned that the elderly raise their eyebrow when the name D. comes up.
Just for clearance, I believe on God Valley there's a reoccurring ritual/tradition that only elderly people can attend and not younger. That's why younger folks like Corazon have no idea about the meaning of what they were told as kids.
Again. He was actively hunting them down and coordinated entire missions and terror attacks against them. I believe he is the biggest reason why the Celestial Dragons of recent times fear the D.s so much along side Roger of course.
What I find interesting though is that Whitebeard had no idea about this. He doesnt really know about meaning of the "D.". I think this is just another showcase of his character. Xebec was a quite arrogant person that did not tell his business. Questioning the captains business meant death. That's how his crew operated most likely. They lend him his strength and he promised them fame and fortune, no further questions asked.

So of course literal cannibalism is pretty hard and not One Piece like so I think most of us would agree that at least a devil fruit of some sort was most likely in play here. According to the VIZ-translation "gobble" was the most fitting translation for what Corazon was saying.
"Gobbling" is generally used in the context of eating particularly noisily. So I think the idea of Xebec having the Yami Yami no mi and "consuming" the Celestial Dragons through his black hole makes no sense. As well as generally nobody making any comment about Blackbeard's showing his darkness abilities makes it very unlikely that Xebec actually had this fruit. A Zoan seems most likely and most fitting to me. So what kind of Zoan? Obviously it has to be a Zoan that is carnivorous.

Looking at his Jolly Roger (the one we've seen at least) we can see something that looks like flames. I believe that is a symbol for his power. So his devil fruit is fire related and it is therefore a mythical type.

Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound
A hellhound is to put it in simple words just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil. He is generally pictured with flames and has flaming powers. I think an example of these fire abilities and a hint is the skeleton at the front of his ship in the panel above. The basis for this is Rocks D. Xebecs real life inspiration: Roche (Also: Rocks) Braziliano. While there are some other things that could definitely be an inspiration for Xebecs character I'm gonna focus on two things.
1. Braziliano was known as the must cruel pirate to ever roam the seas. This fits my assumption of Xebec being a brutal murderer that ate humans.
2. Braziliano absolutely hated the Spaniards to death. He hunted them, tortured and murdered them brutally. The Spaniards and the Spanish Empire here are a parallel to the Celestial Dragons and the World Government since Spain also used to rule the world back in the real life pirate era.

Now look at what I summarized about Braziliano's hate towards Spaniards:

His hate for the Spanish. He would horribly torture Spanish people, more than anyone else. In one saying he roasted two Spanish farmers alive on wooden spits after they refused to hand over their pigs. He treated his Spanish prisoners barbarously, typically cutting off their limbs or roasting them alive over a fire. In another saying his pirate flag carried the image of a skeleton with the text "The body of a Spaniard."​

Now it should be pretty easy to see where I'm coming from. We know Rocks hated and actively hunt down Celestial Dragons and we know he was most likely a very cruel person towards them. Dogs don't eat the bones so it is possible that he ate the Celestial Dragons than burned him to the bones with his fire abilities and put their skeleton on the front of his ship for everyone to see, similar to Braziliano's image of a Spaniard's skeleton on his pirate flag.

Back to how this connects to Corazons saying of D.s eating Celestial Dragons.
As I've said before a hellhound is really just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil, so Oda could have taken any dog myth that is related to hell or a devil for this fruit and we know Oda likes to not stay firm on one source of inspiration but rather mix them a bit together (good example is Momotaro or Kaido in Wano arc).
What I found are Dingoes. Dingoes in some of Aboriginal folklore are linked to the devil, so they can basically be described as hellhounds (theyre also linked on the Hellhounds wikipedia page). In these myths dingoes are portrayed as wild and human devouring devils. A picture book for example is called "The Giant Devil Dingo". And in general real dingoes in Australia are known to just carry off and devour human babies which fits to what they tell the children in Mary Joa.
Another possibility would be the Cerberus, the three headed hellhound.
This idea would definitely further support the connection to Blackbeard. I am not saying they are related through family nor am I saying Blackbeard has the Cerberus fruit but there exists a a bit of a Cerberus theme around Blackbeard's character. If you read a bit about Cerberus mythology you'll notice a few more similarities than the three heads.
Overall a devil fruit directly linked to hell and the devil like the hellhound would be the perfect fit to emphasize the phrase of the D.s being "God's natural enemy" and just be very symbolic.
Additionally I believe Xebec used to look like an actual devil in his hybrid form and that the believe of the D.s being "God devouring devils" manifested in their minds especially because of him again.
Some general designs:

Possibly Rocks maybe was focused only on eating babies for whatever reason (maybe wanted to stop them from growing older and gaining power or sth) but these are just minor specific details that don't really change my theory but rather adjust it just a bit.

What I want to point out towards the end is so you don't misunderstand. Rocks was not a good guy at all. He was most likely the most cruel pirate to ever exist and did not give a single damn about even innocent life's. Sengoku made this very clear when he mentioned that Garp and Roger had to protect the Celestial Dragons AND THE SLAVES. He was not there to free those people. No, he did not care. His goal was still simply to be the King of the World.

Now just a little bonus if you think this is a bit to cruel for One Piece I like to point out that this is the time the manga will get more serious and darker. We're reaching the climax of the entire story and the dark secrets of the world are about to be revealed. Adding do that this is a flashback in which Oda likes to go off a bit more to create a more serious, more darker and tragic past.

Generally I believe this would be a very interesting idea for Xebec's character and would let him stand out from every single other character in the entire series.

So to sum up:
- What Corazon had told us in chapter 764 is actually based on Rocks.
- The fear of Rocks and the D.s within the Celestial Dragons grew bigger through out Rocks era and had its peak through the God Valley incident resulting in a common phrase that they tell their children when they misbehave
- Rocks absolutely despised Celestial Dragons to the point where he was actively hunting them down and murdering them.
- Rocks has the Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound with fire abilities.
- Rocks devoured Celestial Dragons and turns into what the Celestial Dragons mean when they think of the D.s.
Post automatically merged:

I found out a couple days ago that this guy stole my theory word for word 4 days after I posted it.

Can mods find the guy's account somehow and ban him? Or is there anything that can be done to at least partly protect our theories from being stolen? @Natalija (ur the only mod I've talked with before for a little sorry for the @)
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In this theory I want to address an open plot point I have noticed and how it ties to Rocks D. Xebec and the Celestial Dragons. I'll theorize a bit about Xebec's potential personality as well as his devil fruit and the God Valley Incident.


Celestial Dragons being eaten:

Back in chapter 764 Corazon brought up a common saying for the kids in the community of the Celestial Dragons.


I think this saying similar to many other sayings in our real world has some truth behind it. The only way Corazon can know about this is if this saying came up regularly in the time he still lived in Mary Joa alongside the other Celestial Dragons. So let's look at the timeline:

- Corazon was born 39 year ago
- Left Mary Joa at age 6 so 33 years ago

So assuming you have to be at least 1 year old to remember sth (Momo remembers Roger even at age 2) lets go with the assumption that Corazon had heard this between 38 and 33 years ago. Corazon said this when he was 23 years old so its not that much of a stretch to assume he remembers a common saying from his childhood. All of this must've happened at least more than 34 years ago but more like more than 38 years ago.

How does Rocks play into this?
We know Rocks regularly hosted terror-attacks against the World Government and most likely hated the Celestial Dragons since it seems like he was clearly targeting them in the God Valley incident (also based on his real life inspiration which I get into later in this theory).
Important here is the God Valley Incident. I think its the actual root of this saying. The God Valley Incident was 38 years ago and Rocks era was over 40 years ago so it is perfectly in line with the time line I have presented before.

The Celestial Dragons specifically themselves, not just the Gorosei, seem to have feared/still fear the D.s. But judging by how the Celestial Dragons act they seem to have no actual interest in their past and history and that they most likely went to war against the D.s back in the day or sth like that. They were probably told so but didnt take it serious because noone has ever challenged or threatened them before for centuries. Whats more rational in my opinion is the possibility of a recent event reminding them (only the Celestial Dragons like Charlos not the Gorosei) about the threat of the D.s. And this goes perfectly in line with Rocks D. Xebec and the God Valley Incident.

According to Sengoku, Rocks broke the worlds biggest taboos. These taboos most likely include the ancient weapons and/or the history of the World. This most likely included something about the history and the meaning of "D." possibly resulting in Rocks becoming proud of his name D. or something like that. Either way it must have stood out to the Celestial Dragons. How does this correlate to the phrase Corazon brought up though?

This might sound like a stupid reach but hear me out first ( ). The popular belief is that the D stands for a smile/laugh because it looks like an open mouth. And while that could be true, I don't think Oda is trying to set one single definition for it. I think he's trying to keep it universal and likes to play around with it, like a symbol with multiple meanings or ways it can be interpreted. So going back to what it could symbolize I think one of the other options is the following:
The first observation that it looks like a mouth is correct. But its empty. There are no teeth in the way and the mouth is completely open, similar to how you open your mouth when you eat or want to bite something. I think what the Celestial Dragons saw might've been a (huge) mouth opening and it manifested as the D.s eating Celestial Dragons in their community.
This is not supposed to mean that this is the actual meaning of "D.". No, I'm just saying this could be Oda just playing around with it similar to how he does with "D." symbolizing a laugh :D (like Laugh Tale). Unless the D. literally does stand for laughing in the OP-Verse which I heavily doubt.

What does that have to do with Rocks knowing about the history and meaning of D? I think Rocks somehow (I won't go into detail for this now) found out about the whole "Gods natural enemy"-idea and that's why he started these terror attacks. Whether it also has to do with his past life maybe as a child or whether he just believed that was his purpose in life (I tend towards this) is not that important for now. Both result in the same thing: him hunting down Celestial Dragons.

What stood out to me was the title of chapter 957 in which the God Valley Incident and all this extra information was revealed. The most important thing about this chapter at least in-verse wise was the mention of the God Valley Incident. This and the fact that Sengoku made clear that they have regularly hosted terror attacks against the World Government before.

The title of that chapter is "Ultimate". Many thought "Ultimate" was a reference to the the Rocks pirates as the ultimate pirate crew or the bounties. But looking at the definition of "ultimate" I think there's another option open I've seen nobody address before:
According to the Cambridge dictionary the "Ultimate" means: most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst What I wanna focus on here are the words "most extreme or important" and "final" As I've said the focus of that chapter was the God Valley Incident and Sengoku had told us about past terror attacks against the WG (= CD).
Putting these two things together the God Valley Incident was Rocks ultimate mission/attack on the WG/CD. It was his most extreme, most important and final mission.
I'm not gonna go into detail for this theory about how he found out about all the Celestial Dragons gathering on God Valley but that must've been his wake up call to start this final mission/attack. Also Corazon mentioned that the elderly raise their eyebrow when the name D. comes up.
Just for clearance, I believe on God Valley there's a reoccurring ritual/tradition that only elderly people can attend and not younger. That's why younger folks like Corazon have no idea about the meaning of what they were told as kids.
Again. He was actively hunting them down and coordinated entire missions and terror attacks against them. I believe he is the biggest reason why the Celestial Dragons of recent times fear the D.s so much along side Roger of course.
What I find interesting though is that Whitebeard had no idea about this. He doesnt really know about meaning of the "D.". I think this is just another showcase of his character. Xebec was a quite arrogant person that did not tell his business. Questioning the captains business meant death. That's how his crew operated most likely. They lend him his strength and he promised them fame and fortune, no further questions asked.

So of course literal cannibalism is pretty hard and not One Piece like so I think most of us would agree that at least a devil fruit of some sort was most likely in play here. According to the VIZ-translation "gobble" was the most fitting translation for what Corazon was saying.
"Gobbling" is generally used in the context of eating particularly noisily. So I think the idea of Xebec having the Yami Yami no mi and "consuming" the Celestial Dragons through his black hole makes no sense. As well as generally nobody making any comment about Blackbeard's showing his darkness abilities makes it very unlikely that Xebec actually had this fruit. A Zoan seems most likely and most fitting to me. So what kind of Zoan? Obviously it has to be a Zoan that is carnivorous.

Looking at his Jolly Roger (the one we've seen at least) we can see something that looks like flames. I believe that is a symbol for his power. So his devil fruit is fire related and it is therefore a mythical type.

Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound
A hellhound is to put it in simple words just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil. He is generally pictured with flames and has flaming powers. I think an example of these fire abilities and a hint is the skeleton at the front of his ship in the panel above. The basis for this is Rocks D. Xebecs real life inspiration: Roche (Also: Rocks) Braziliano. While there are some other things that could definitely be an inspiration for Xebecs character I'm gonna focus on two things.
1. Braziliano was known as the must cruel pirate to ever roam the seas. This fits my assumption of Xebec being a brutal murderer that ate humans.
2. Braziliano absolutely hated the Spaniards to death. He hunted them, tortured and murdered them brutally. The Spaniards and the Spanish Empire here are a parallel to the Celestial Dragons and the World Government since Spain also used to rule the world back in the real life pirate era.

Now look at what I summarized about Braziliano's hate towards Spaniards:

His hate for the Spanish. He would horribly torture Spanish people, more than anyone else. In one saying he roasted two Spanish farmers alive on wooden spits after they refused to hand over their pigs. He treated his Spanish prisoners barbarously, typically cutting off their limbs or roasting them alive over a fire. In another saying his pirate flag carried the image of a skeleton with the text "The body of a Spaniard."​

Now it should be pretty easy to see where I'm coming from. We know Rocks hated and actively hunt down Celestial Dragons and we know he was most likely a very cruel person towards them. Dogs don't eat the bones so it is possible that he ate the Celestial Dragons than burned him to the bones with his fire abilities and put their skeleton on the front of his ship for everyone to see, similar to Braziliano's image of a Spaniard's skeleton on his pirate flag.

Back to how this connects to Corazons saying of D.s eating Celestial Dragons.
As I've said before a hellhound is really just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil, so Oda could have taken any dog myth that is related to hell or a devil for this fruit and we know Oda likes to not stay firm on one source of inspiration but rather mix them a bit together (good example is Momotaro or Kaido in Wano arc).
What I found are Dingoes. Dingoes in some of Aboriginal folklore are linked to the devil, so they can basically be described as hellhounds (theyre also linked on the Hellhounds wikipedia page). In these myths dingoes are portrayed as wild and human devouring devils. A picture book for example is called "The Giant Devil Dingo". And in general real dingoes in Australia are known to just carry off and devour human babies which fits to what they tell the children in Mary Joa.
Another possibility would be the Cerberus, the three headed hellhound.
This idea would definitely further support the connection to Blackbeard. I am not saying they are related through family nor am I saying Blackbeard has the Cerberus fruit but there exists a a bit of a Cerberus theme around Blackbeard's character. If you read a bit about Cerberus mythology you'll notice a few more similarities than the three heads.
Overall a devil fruit directly linked to hell and the devil like the hellhound would be the perfect fit to emphasize the phrase of the D.s being "God's natural enemy" and just be very symbolic.
Additionally I believe Xebec used to look like an actual devil in his hybrid form and that the believe of the D.s being "God devouring devils" manifested in their minds especially because of him again.
Some general designs:

Possibly Rocks maybe was focused only on eating babies for whatever reason (maybe wanted to stop them from growing older and gaining power or sth) but these are just minor specific details that don't really change my theory but rather adjust it just a bit.

What I want to point out towards the end is so you don't misunderstand. Rocks was not a good guy at all. He was most likely the most cruel pirate to ever exist and did not give a single damn about even innocent life's. Sengoku made this very clear when he mentioned that Garp and Roger had to protect the Celestial Dragons AND THE SLAVES. He was not there to free those people. No, he did not care. His goal was still simply to be the King of the World.

Now just a little bonus if you think this is a bit to cruel for One Piece I like to point out that this is the time the manga will get more serious and darker. We're reaching the climax of the entire story and the dark secrets of the world are about to be revealed. Adding do that this is a flashback in which Oda likes to go off a bit more to create a more serious, more darker and tragic past.

Generally I believe this would be a very interesting idea for Xebec's character and would let him stand out from every single other character in the entire series.

So to sum up:
- What Corazon had told us in chapter 764 is actually based on Rocks.
- The fear of Rocks and the D.s within the Celestial Dragons grew bigger through out Rocks era and had its peak through the God Valley incident resulting in a common phrase that they tell their children when they misbehave
- Rocks absolutely despised Celestial Dragons to the point where he was actively hunting them down and murdering them.
- Rocks has the Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound with fire abilities.
- Rocks devoured Celestial Dragons and turns into what the Celestial Dragons mean when they think of the D.s.
Post automatically merged:

I found out a couple days ago that this guy stole my theory word for word 4 days after I posted it.

Can mods find the guy's account somehow and ban him? Or is there anything that can be done to at least partly protect our theories from being stolen? @Natalija (ur the only mod I've talked with before for a little sorry for the @)
good theory.
In this theory I want to address an open plot point I have noticed and how it ties to Rocks D. Xebec and the Celestial Dragons. I'll theorize a bit about Xebec's potential personality as well as his devil fruit and the God Valley Incident.


Celestial Dragons being eaten:

Back in chapter 764 Corazon brought up a common saying for the kids in the community of the Celestial Dragons.


I think this saying similar to many other sayings in our real world has some truth behind it. The only way Corazon can know about this is if this saying came up regularly in the time he still lived in Mary Joa alongside the other Celestial Dragons. So let's look at the timeline:

- Corazon was born 39 year ago
- Left Mary Joa at age 6 so 33 years ago

So assuming you have to be at least 1 year old to remember sth (Momo remembers Roger even at age 2) lets go with the assumption that Corazon had heard this between 38 and 33 years ago. Corazon said this when he was 23 years old so its not that much of a stretch to assume he remembers a common saying from his childhood. All of this must've happened at least more than 34 years ago but more like more than 38 years ago.

How does Rocks play into this?
We know Rocks regularly hosted terror-attacks against the World Government and most likely hated the Celestial Dragons since it seems like he was clearly targeting them in the God Valley incident (also based on his real life inspiration which I get into later in this theory).
Important here is the God Valley Incident. I think its the actual root of this saying. The God Valley Incident was 38 years ago and Rocks era was over 40 years ago so it is perfectly in line with the time line I have presented before.

The Celestial Dragons specifically themselves, not just the Gorosei, seem to have feared/still fear the D.s. But judging by how the Celestial Dragons act they seem to have no actual interest in their past and history and that they most likely went to war against the D.s back in the day or sth like that. They were probably told so but didnt take it serious because noone has ever challenged or threatened them before for centuries. Whats more rational in my opinion is the possibility of a recent event reminding them (only the Celestial Dragons like Charlos not the Gorosei) about the threat of the D.s. And this goes perfectly in line with Rocks D. Xebec and the God Valley Incident.

According to Sengoku, Rocks broke the worlds biggest taboos. These taboos most likely include the ancient weapons and/or the history of the World. This most likely included something about the history and the meaning of "D." possibly resulting in Rocks becoming proud of his name D. or something like that. Either way it must have stood out to the Celestial Dragons. How does this correlate to the phrase Corazon brought up though?

This might sound like a stupid reach but hear me out first ( ). The popular belief is that the D stands for a smile/laugh because it looks like an open mouth. And while that could be true, I don't think Oda is trying to set one single definition for it. I think he's trying to keep it universal and likes to play around with it, like a symbol with multiple meanings or ways it can be interpreted. So going back to what it could symbolize I think one of the other options is the following:
The first observation that it looks like a mouth is correct. But its empty. There are no teeth in the way and the mouth is completely open, similar to how you open your mouth when you eat or want to bite something. I think what the Celestial Dragons saw might've been a (huge) mouth opening and it manifested as the D.s eating Celestial Dragons in their community.
This is not supposed to mean that this is the actual meaning of "D.". No, I'm just saying this could be Oda just playing around with it similar to how he does with "D." symbolizing a laugh :D (like Laugh Tale). Unless the D. literally does stand for laughing in the OP-Verse which I heavily doubt.

What does that have to do with Rocks knowing about the history and meaning of D? I think Rocks somehow (I won't go into detail for this now) found out about the whole "Gods natural enemy"-idea and that's why he started these terror attacks. Whether it also has to do with his past life maybe as a child or whether he just believed that was his purpose in life (I tend towards this) is not that important for now. Both result in the same thing: him hunting down Celestial Dragons.

What stood out to me was the title of chapter 957 in which the God Valley Incident and all this extra information was revealed. The most important thing about this chapter at least in-verse wise was the mention of the God Valley Incident. This and the fact that Sengoku made clear that they have regularly hosted terror attacks against the World Government before.

The title of that chapter is "Ultimate". Many thought "Ultimate" was a reference to the the Rocks pirates as the ultimate pirate crew or the bounties. But looking at the definition of "ultimate" I think there's another option open I've seen nobody address before:
According to the Cambridge dictionary the "Ultimate" means: most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst What I wanna focus on here are the words "most extreme or important" and "final" As I've said the focus of that chapter was the God Valley Incident and Sengoku had told us about past terror attacks against the WG (= CD).
Putting these two things together the God Valley Incident was Rocks ultimate mission/attack on the WG/CD. It was his most extreme, most important and final mission.
I'm not gonna go into detail for this theory about how he found out about all the Celestial Dragons gathering on God Valley but that must've been his wake up call to start this final mission/attack. Also Corazon mentioned that the elderly raise their eyebrow when the name D. comes up.
Just for clearance, I believe on God Valley there's a reoccurring ritual/tradition that only elderly people can attend and not younger. That's why younger folks like Corazon have no idea about the meaning of what they were told as kids.
Again. He was actively hunting them down and coordinated entire missions and terror attacks against them. I believe he is the biggest reason why the Celestial Dragons of recent times fear the D.s so much along side Roger of course.
What I find interesting though is that Whitebeard had no idea about this. He doesnt really know about meaning of the "D.". I think this is just another showcase of his character. Xebec was a quite arrogant person that did not tell his business. Questioning the captains business meant death. That's how his crew operated most likely. They lend him his strength and he promised them fame and fortune, no further questions asked.

So of course literal cannibalism is pretty hard and not One Piece like so I think most of us would agree that at least a devil fruit of some sort was most likely in play here. According to the VIZ-translation "gobble" was the most fitting translation for what Corazon was saying.
"Gobbling" is generally used in the context of eating particularly noisily. So I think the idea of Xebec having the Yami Yami no mi and "consuming" the Celestial Dragons through his black hole makes no sense. As well as generally nobody making any comment about Blackbeard's showing his darkness abilities makes it very unlikely that Xebec actually had this fruit. A Zoan seems most likely and most fitting to me. So what kind of Zoan? Obviously it has to be a Zoan that is carnivorous.

Looking at his Jolly Roger (the one we've seen at least) we can see something that looks like flames. I believe that is a symbol for his power. So his devil fruit is fire related and it is therefore a mythical type.

Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound
A hellhound is to put it in simple words just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil. He is generally pictured with flames and has flaming powers. I think an example of these fire abilities and a hint is the skeleton at the front of his ship in the panel above. The basis for this is Rocks D. Xebecs real life inspiration: Roche (Also: Rocks) Braziliano. While there are some other things that could definitely be an inspiration for Xebecs character I'm gonna focus on two things.
1. Braziliano was known as the must cruel pirate to ever roam the seas. This fits my assumption of Xebec being a brutal murderer that ate humans.
2. Braziliano absolutely hated the Spaniards to death. He hunted them, tortured and murdered them brutally. The Spaniards and the Spanish Empire here are a parallel to the Celestial Dragons and the World Government since Spain also used to rule the world back in the real life pirate era.

Now look at what I summarized about Braziliano's hate towards Spaniards:

His hate for the Spanish. He would horribly torture Spanish people, more than anyone else. In one saying he roasted two Spanish farmers alive on wooden spits after they refused to hand over their pigs. He treated his Spanish prisoners barbarously, typically cutting off their limbs or roasting them alive over a fire. In another saying his pirate flag carried the image of a skeleton with the text "The body of a Spaniard."​

Now it should be pretty easy to see where I'm coming from. We know Rocks hated and actively hunt down Celestial Dragons and we know he was most likely a very cruel person towards them. Dogs don't eat the bones so it is possible that he ate the Celestial Dragons than burned him to the bones with his fire abilities and put their skeleton on the front of his ship for everyone to see, similar to Braziliano's image of a Spaniard's skeleton on his pirate flag.

Back to how this connects to Corazons saying of D.s eating Celestial Dragons.
As I've said before a hellhound is really just a supernatural dog linked to hell or a devil, so Oda could have taken any dog myth that is related to hell or a devil for this fruit and we know Oda likes to not stay firm on one source of inspiration but rather mix them a bit together (good example is Momotaro or Kaido in Wano arc).
What I found are Dingoes. Dingoes in some of Aboriginal folklore are linked to the devil, so they can basically be described as hellhounds (theyre also linked on the Hellhounds wikipedia page). In these myths dingoes are portrayed as wild and human devouring devils. A picture book for example is called "The Giant Devil Dingo". And in general real dingoes in Australia are known to just carry off and devour human babies which fits to what they tell the children in Mary Joa.
Another possibility would be the Cerberus, the three headed hellhound.
This idea would definitely further support the connection to Blackbeard. I am not saying they are related through family nor am I saying Blackbeard has the Cerberus fruit but there exists a a bit of a Cerberus theme around Blackbeard's character. If you read a bit about Cerberus mythology you'll notice a few more similarities than the three heads.
Overall a devil fruit directly linked to hell and the devil like the hellhound would be the perfect fit to emphasize the phrase of the D.s being "God's natural enemy" and just be very symbolic.
Additionally I believe Xebec used to look like an actual devil in his hybrid form and that the believe of the D.s being "God devouring devils" manifested in their minds especially because of him again.
Some general designs:

Possibly Rocks maybe was focused only on eating babies for whatever reason (maybe wanted to stop them from growing older and gaining power or sth) but these are just minor specific details that don't really change my theory but rather adjust it just a bit.

What I want to point out towards the end is so you don't misunderstand. Rocks was not a good guy at all. He was most likely the most cruel pirate to ever exist and did not give a single damn about even innocent life's. Sengoku made this very clear when he mentioned that Garp and Roger had to protect the Celestial Dragons AND THE SLAVES. He was not there to free those people. No, he did not care. His goal was still simply to be the King of the World.

Now just a little bonus if you think this is a bit to cruel for One Piece I like to point out that this is the time the manga will get more serious and darker. We're reaching the climax of the entire story and the dark secrets of the world are about to be revealed. Adding do that this is a flashback in which Oda likes to go off a bit more to create a more serious, more darker and tragic past.

Generally I believe this would be a very interesting idea for Xebec's character and would let him stand out from every single other character in the entire series.

So to sum up:
- What Corazon had told us in chapter 764 is actually based on Rocks.
- The fear of Rocks and the D.s within the Celestial Dragons grew bigger through out Rocks era and had its peak through the God Valley incident resulting in a common phrase that they tell their children when they misbehave
- Rocks absolutely despised Celestial Dragons to the point where he was actively hunting them down and murdering them.
- Rocks has the Inu Inu no Mi Mythical Type: Hellhound with fire abilities.
- Rocks devoured Celestial Dragons and turns into what the Celestial Dragons mean when they think of the D.s.
Post automatically merged:

I found out a couple days ago that this guy stole my theory word for word 4 days after I posted it.

Can mods find the guy's account somehow and ban him? Or is there anything that can be done to at least partly protect our theories from being stolen? @Natalija (ur the only mod I've talked with before for a little sorry for the @)
He must've had either Water-Water DF or Demon Demon DF