Roe vs Wade Overturned?

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
The concurring opinion by Justice Thomas says in the future the court should also reconsider rulings that protected contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.

Lmaoooo time to take away liberties. Such nice people


The concurring opinion by Justice Thomas says in the future the court should also reconsider rulings that protected contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.

Lmaoooo time to take away liberties. Such nice people
Welcome back to the dark ages guys!
I legit own a gun and I don't feel a need to own 5 of those. One is plenty enough if you know what you are doing with it

Getting more than one either makes you insecure or a collector
That is just a subjective opinion.
Collection or a hobby, people like you bring them to a shooting range, it's also sport...
There's alot more to it that just owning one and being good with that and just collecting .
Thanks once again for proving me right.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
That is just a subjective opinion.
Collection or a hobby, people like you bring them to a shooting range, it's also sport...
There's alot more to it that just owning one and being good with that and just collecting .
Thanks once again for proving me right.
I legit said

You are either insecure
You are a collector

Any person that buy more than 1 gun for protection is insecure, insecure in their ability to protect themselves with a single gun because of lack of skills with it

My country had a war 30 years ago and all veterans, people of 5 years of war experience only have 1 gun, there is no need for more, especially not an AR15 with all add-ons

The more guns you need for protection - the more insecure you are


That is just a subjective opinion.
Collection or a hobby, people like you bring them to a shooting range, it's also sport...
There's alot more to it that just owning one and being good with that and just collecting .
Thanks once again for proving me right.
I'll be dead honest.
Had I been born and grown up in the US with a deep state corrupted insane cult government, a police force that could barge in my home at any given moment and restrain me for the small possibility I might carry 1 micro gram of drugs on my body and with a law such as the patriot act.....

fuck it, I'd have a fucking arsenal. I'd be some extreme prepper and build my guns with a fucking 3d printer in order to avoid having that serial number.