ok before this gets unnecessarily over heated,
I am an Amnesiac
How I will play this game, and have been:
I will play this as if I am town, it's your choice to believe me or not but my pushes will be driven by logical stuff in front of me. and I definitely won't be coasting as if I don't care. I will hunt lame scums as if I am town cuz that's cool and poor townies don't win much games here.
When will I pick a role: when a side is favorable to win

Why am I siding with town now: cuz scum were lame with their first night target. is this enough to say they are lame? yes, until proven otherwise.
ummm what questions are left...hmmm
'why should we trust you' ummm don't, I will only be logical, good?
I will play the game the way town bort would play it unless forced not to by lame townies who are on the path to lose.