Town was shellshocked as the villain they thought they were lynching turned out to be one of their own.
@Alibaba has been lynched. He was Ramiris the Labyrinth, his role was Lookout.
It is now Night 5. If you send in your actions asap, I will have the dayphase go up quickly!
3. @Kawaii
5. @Kagura
8. @Flower
9. @ConquistadoR
13. @Juliet
15. @MangoSenpai
@Alibaba has been lynched. He was Ramiris the Labyrinth, his role was Lookout.

It is now Night 5. If you send in your actions asap, I will have the dayphase go up quickly!
3. @Kawaii
5. @Kagura
8. @Flower
9. @ConquistadoR
13. @Juliet
15. @MangoSenpai