Controversial Rumble’s Revenge On Democracy: WorstGen ASOIAF 2v2 Fighting Tournament

Where is Varys’s Manhood?

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I think yall are heavily underrating Tywin as a non-factor in this fight lol. As Jaime’s father and a legitimate knight himself (Ned was not even a knight, recall), he was definitely capable in his youth.
No one in the North is a knight.

Edit: not "no one" but many do not pursue the path of Knighthood as they worship the old gods and the Starks are part of those.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
No one in the North is a knight.

Edit: not "no one" but many do not pursue the path of Knighthood as they worship the old gods and the Starks are part of those.
You right. Still, being a knight in and of itself speaks to a certain level of prowess. In no way do I see a young Tywin getting horribly bodied by Daario Naharis lmfao. I think he can even scrap with Drogo even if he loses there. The Lannisters were as capable of a martial family as any other powerful Lordly family, they were a joke politically but they have produced plenty of competent knights.
No one in the North is a knight.

Edit: not "no one" but many do not pursue the path of Knighthood as they worship the old gods and the Starks are part of those.
The knighthood tradition is weaker in the north, but it's not completely rejected.

Jorah Mormont was a knight, Bartimus and Helman Tallhart too and they are all old gods followers. Even Bran wanted to be a knight at some point.
I am voting Tywin/Jaime, btw.
I truly fucking hate this thread.


I think yall are heavily underrating Tywin as a non-factor in this fight lol. As Jaime’s father and a legitimate knight himself (Ned was not even a knight, recall), he was definitely capable in his youth.
Knighthoods are like black belts in taekwondo. All nobles are knights, if they're not lords or maesters. Though most lords are also knights.

Mace Tyrell isn't some great knight because Garlan is.

Aegon IV wasn't renowned either, despite fathering something pretty good fighters.

Randall Tarly is considered a man of martial talents, but his son is not.
Tywin wouldnt last a minute against an experienced fighter like Daario tbh, made from years in the fighting pits of Mereen & is the captain of a company of sellswords.
There's no way Tywin was just a complete scrub who can't protect his life for a couple minutes against someone like Dario. He was still a knight with a tall relatively strong build, he grew up as heir of Casterly Rock and received ample training, he fought in countless battle in his youth. More importantly, while he is not stated as prodigy in combat, which he wasn't exclusively, but we're talking about about one of the sharpest minds in Westeros in his prime being as strong as he is and clad in armor, I can't see how he is an easy target for Dario

I do believe Dario finishes him off eventually, but it would be too late as I think a battle between Jaime and Drogo, as strong and arrogant as Drogo is, would end fairly quickly
Tywin, coming from a big house as his was, got the best instructors money could buy. Later he became a knight, fought in a war alongside young Aerys and Robert's father and survived without any major injuries.
No stories will be told about his talent for sure, but he knew how to hold his own. Being mediocre with great armour/weapons is better than being great with trashy armour/weapons
Who do you vote in this one?
Team Essos, mostly because I don't think of Tywin as a warrior.

Drogo is inferior to Jaimie but he's skilled enough to keep him buissy. He was the best fighter in the entire Dothraki Sea in a culture that values strength above all and it was mentioned that he never lost a duel even tho he had to be constantly challenged for his leadership position.

Tywin is a guy who dedicated his life to politics and haven't seen action. Even in battle he was always commanding his troops from the headquarters. On the other hand Daario as a veteran mercenary has seen plenty of action. I think he would make a quick work of Tywin. Then it's 2 v 1 and Jaime gets overpowered. Daario is a type of guy that would probably play dirty and use some underhanded method.
As far as I can tell, Mace Tyrell wasn’t a knight at all. So you’re comparing Mace who was never a knight, to Tywin who was in fact a knight. Lol
You can't tell, because no one is is going to address the Lord of Highgarden as Ser. It would be considered a deliberate sign of disrespectful and contempt.

Primogeniture is the rule of the land whereby the firstborn son takes all. What greater honour is there left for the sons that follow beside the honour of being a knight? There are only 7 in the Kingsguard, and that used be exclusively for knights. You need brains to become a maester.

You can assume all lords in the south are knights, and that all nobles that can be aspire to be, especially so when they have no prospects of inheriting.

Add to that, below lords there are landed knights. Some by inheritance, but all begin with service. Like Davos, who was knighted by Stannis who is also never referred to as a Ser because that shit would not fly.

It is EXTREMELY likely Mace is in fact a knight. The books describe him as looking like he was strong once, so perhaps he is an oaf, but perhaps was also a capable fighter, though I doubt that.
Pride of place was given to Mace Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden, a once-powerful man gone to fat, yet still handsome. His sons followed him in; Ser Loras and his older brother Ser Garlan the Gallant. The three dressed alike, in green velvet trimmed with sable.
As I say, knighthoods are cheap.

Tywin, coming from a big house as his was, got the best instructors money could buy. Later he became a knight, fought in a war alongside young Aerys and Robert's father and survived without any major injuries.
No stories will be told about his talent for sure, but he knew how to hold his own. Being mediocre with great armour/weapons is better than being great with trashy armour/weapons
Knowing how to swing a sword in the safe confines of courtyards under the watchful eyes of guards and instructors is one thing, and that's assuming Tywin knew how to swing well. It's another matter entirely to hack a man to death.

For all we know Tywin hung back and saw no meaningful close quarters combat or never participated in a melee at all. He was heir to Casterly Rock after all.

I also disagree on the last sentence. Unless they are so despite their utmost efforts, mediocre fighters are unlikely to know their own limits or that of their equipment. Fighting is a mindfuck, half the battle is keeping together between the ears.

Drogo and Daario can take a life without thinking twice about it. As easy as picking up a glass of water.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
You can't tell, because no one is is going to address the Lord of Highgarden as Ser. It would be considered a deliberate sign of disrespectful and contempt.
Even from what we know of Mace’s past, there is zero indication he was a knight or that he ever personally fought in any wars at any point. Whereas we know a young Tywin fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings alongside Steffon Baratheon and personally witnessed Barristan killing Mayles.

You can assume all lords are knights, and that all nobles that can be aspire to be, especially so when they have no prospects of inheriting.
It’s actually the complete opposite in Martin’s writing, lmfao…The firstborn sons, the sons who typically inherit, are typically not knights. As you yourself said, why would they bother with knighthood when they are instead concerning themselves with politics and inheritance? It’s the second sons who are usually knights/fighters. If anything, Tywin being a knight hypes his fighting strength even more.

It is EXTREMELY likely Mace is in fact a knight.
It’s the complete opposite lmfao.
Even from what we know of Mace’s past, there is zero indication he was a knight or that he ever personally fought in any wars at any point. Whereas we know a young Tywin fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings alongside Steffon Baratheon and personally witnessed Barristan killing Mayles.
He’s a southern lord and follower of The Seven. His description, as I posted, suggests he used to be in good shape and strong like a knight would be.

We know he has participated in at least one war (probably 2 including the Greyjoy Rebellion), and neither that nor knighthood should means he’s good at either.

The point is knighthood comes cheap to nobles, as we know it does. It’s a big part of Sandor’s story, and that of Brienne, who is the truest of them all yet not qualified.

There were STARKS fighting in the Ninepenny War. Tywin being there doesn’t mean much. The entire realm answered the call when it came.

It’s actually the complete opposite in Martin’s writing, lmfao…The firstborn sons, the sons who typically inherit, are typically not knights. As you yourself said, why would they bother with knighthood when they are instead concerning themselves with politics and inheritance? It’s the second sons who are usually knights/fighters. If anything, Tywin being a knight hypes his fighting strength even more.
Firstborn sons also become knights. It’s considered part of their upbringing as a lord as it’s how they also learn arms, warfare, chivalry and gain respect. Mace’s firstborn Willas was a squire in that tourney that crippled him, remember?

Wyman Manderly is a knight, as was his firstborn, and so is his remaining son.

Tywin’s father Tytos was the third son, his oldest brother Tywald was a knight that died in the Peake Uprising.

There are other examples. Knighthood is like getting your driver’s license.
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