These people have no idea what constitutes a sale and yet have to act smart even though they know nothing. They feel they are "entitled" to their opinion despite not having any other reason than just because they are alive and this is how stupidity arises. There is no current manga that will last 25 years or come close to what One Piece is going to achieve till it finishes so all the nobodies yapping about sales need to take a very big L and shut up because they don't matter in any way or form.
One thing is to give an opinion, which I think is good that everyone has their opinion and another thing is to affirm. And worse still, it is wanting to impose your opinion as absolute truth and more without having a clue.
These people, who don't know how the world of manga works and want to impose their conspiracy theory that One Piece is going down, are pathetic.
It's not that Jump doesn't want to cancel One Piece anymore, it's that they are surely telling Oda to throw away another 25 years Lol
Since the departure of Naruto and Bleach, the Jump has failed to find replacements. It has stayed strong thanks to One Piece. If One Piece left without a relay it would be a problem for them.
Despite Kimetsu's good results, JJk and Chainsawman are finished or about to finish mangas. I doubt JJk has more than a year left. Those mangas don't give stability.
The Jump urgently needs one or two long mangas.