Speculations Ryuma the God of Blade rivaling Joyboy


And even if ryuma and jb wasnt alive together, theyre both eos versions of Zoro and Luffy. Who's sanji?

リューマとはたんなる剣豪ではなく, 約400年前のワノ国においては国の資源を強奪しようとする海賊達や, ワノ国そのものの支配を目論む貴族達を向こうに回し, 天空を舞う竜をも一刀のもとに斬り伏せた本物の英雄だった
Says he was a hero who defended Wano and slew a dragon 400 years ago

We know Joy Boy's time was near 900+ years ago


The Wano people are obviously bias when it comes to Ryuma. I wouldn't take their word seriously and use it in a PL debate. Ryuma is just the last person to free Wano from a Dragon.
Seriously, people are overdoing the powerlevel lever crap.
Not everything is meant to be used in powerscaling. Oda doesn't care about it.