Powers & Abilities Sanji is modified.....but not really.....

Diamble Jamble is clearly from Judge.

This theory makes zero sense at trying to imply he got it from another source lmao.

Judge wasn’t suprised because he hates Sanji and because he already knew of the ability and that the failure Sanji finally manifested something his siblings already had.

All of Germa can turn invisible btw. As per the game World Seeker, written by Oda. Its simply the latest upgrade to the RS
Diamble Jamble is clearly from Judge.

This theory makes zero sense at trying to imply he got it from another source lmao.

Judge wasn’t suprised because he hates Sanji and because he already knew of the ability and that the failure Sanji finally manifested something his siblings already had.

All of Germa can turn invisible btw. As per the game World Seeker, written by Oda. Its simply the latest upgrade to the RS
I feel like you wrote this hoping no one had ever played World Seeker, because this ain't true. You fight the Germa bros 1 v1, and they swap out by generic quick movements, or dodging behind your back. They don't turn invsible

Sanji's eyebrows indicate to me that he was defintely modified. However he never got the Judge's Modification....

D: Oda-san, hello!! Vinsmoke Judge and Sanji's hair are yellow. If this is so, why do the four remaining Vinsmoke kids dye their hair when they were little? Or was it caused by the Lineage Factor? -from Kunlun Pretzel

O: This question is from overseas, huh. Certainly the brothers having different hair colors is odd, I guess. You've already given the answer. This is because of the manipulated Lineage Factor. Sanji was the only one not affected, so he and his father have the same hair color.
SBS Volume 87 | One Piece Wiki | Fandom

Oda confirms here that Sanji's blonde hair is due to the factor he never got the Lineage Factor Modification from Judge. Judge working with a DF specialist like Vegapunk, means there was defintely mixing DF with human birth. Trying to birth humans with DFs.

Another SBS Oda stated this.....

D: Do all Devil Fruit have that swirly pattern on them?

O: That's right. It's what distinguishes them from other fruit. Sometimes I wonder if Sanji himself is a Devil Fruit.
SBS Volume 45 | One Piece Wiki | Fandom

Oda pretty much soft confirmed that Sanji was born and modified with a DF ability. However we also know he wasnt born with Judge's modifications. Since if he was modified by the Judge he would be born with Invisibility powers and would have Black hair. But he wasnt, however though...he was born with a curly eyebrow....And he does have weird fire powers, that come from nowhere. We know Curly Eyebrows are probably not from the parents since Sora doesnt have them. And Oda hiding Judge's normal eyebrow probably for the sake he wants to pretend that Sanji isnt modified.

By now the Sora's Drug theory has been rinsed by me, by yh I still believe in it. I feel with Judge's modifcations he put 3 things together with the modifications:

- No Emotions
- Exoskeleton/Super strength
- DF ability

In Reiju's case he never perfected it, so he couldnt give her no Emotions....

Now comes the purpose of the thread

Explanation of why only Sanji
Now why wasnt Sanji affected by Judge's modifications, and instead his Lineage Factor was affected by Sora's Drug ? And why wasnt everyone else affected by it ? This is simply due to the fact of how DFs work. A DF will only have one user...even if two people eat it. And a DF user cannot get a second DF power. Sanji was the only one in Sora's womb who got the DF power, thus everyone else got nothing. Since the "Devil" within the fruit, went into Sanji.
D: A question for Ei-chan. If you take a single bite out of a Devil Fruit, and then someone else eats the rest of it, will they still be able to gain the ability? Take it away, Ei-chan. P.N. ☆Monkey-chan☆

O: Ehh, They will not. Once someone takes a single bite out of the fruit, the ability becomes solely theirs in that moment, and from then on, the fruit simply becomes a insanely gross-tasting fruit. Still, everyone takes care to eat the whole thing without knowing this.

SBS Volume 77 | One Piece Wiki | Fandom

And the reason why Sanji didnt have Judge's modifications work for him is due to the fact of already getting a DF power from Sora. And since a person cant have 2 DF powers, Sanji couldnt be modified as getting the invisibility power is part of the modification.

Thus the whole Lineage Factor modification from Judge failed. He didnt get invisibility, No emotions or an Exoskeleton

The reason why Sanji was considered a fauilure was due to the fact that he failed his father's modifications. And that was only due to other Drug modification he solely ingested.

Conclusion: So to end all of this..... DJ/HM is a modification, but its not from Judge....its from Sora's drug. The drug reacted with Sanji's Lineage Factor and gave him fire powers. Non of Judge's modifications worked on Sanji due to the fact that a person can't have 2 DF powers ( except BB ). Sanji only was born with emotions, because the DF power Sora gave to him ruined Judge's modifications on him. Sora thought it would work on all of her children, but she never knew DF's only get injested by one person.

More Proof:
So, Sora really did cuck Judge with King, huh? :emohiyo:
I played the game and fought them several times. They don't.

9:15 Mark. Niji is clearly running after you while invisible. Plenty of other occasions that they all will do the same.

Lmfao I knew I wasn’t tripping because I couldn’t have imagined that shit.

Still another feat for them is their speed. They are using instant transmission together
Sanji's bloodline element is successfully modified, it just that he was't affected by it.

Invisibility is a power of the suit, it's a tech that already existed 300 years ago, the recent discovery of the the bloodline element is but a few decades old. The old vinsmoke weren't modified so their abilities comes solely from the RS, and that's where the titles were created.

Also if sanji's modifications were replaced by other ones from sora's drug, then why he couldn't manifest DJ as early as his siblings?

And lastly why is he getting the weird feelings after wearing the raid suit (a germa invention) in particular?
Diamble Jamble is clearly from Judge.

This theory makes zero sense at trying to imply he got it from another source lmao.

Judge wasn’t suprised because he hates Sanji and because he already knew of the ability and that the failure Sanji finally manifested something his siblings already had.

All of Germa can turn invisible btw. As per the game World Seeker, written by Oda. Its simply the latest upgrade to the RS
This is an interesting find and while I don’t doubt that germa has the technology to implement invisibility into all of the raid suits, I think Law’s explanation kind of contradicts it along with the fact that “stealth black” is singled out among germa, further hinting at it being an ability unique to him/the suit. I understand Oda had a hand in World Seeker but I do think it’s a bit of a stretch to use it here. I’m unaware if it’s clear just how much Oda was involved.
This is an interesting find and while I don’t doubt that germa has the technology to implement invisibility into all of the raid suits, I think Law’s explanation kind of contradicts it along with the fact that “stealth black” is singled out among germa, further hinting at it being an ability unique to him/the suit. I understand Oda had a hand in World Seeker but I do think it’s a bit of a stretch to use it here. I’m unaware if it’s clear just how much Oda was involved.
Real life Germa doesn’t follow the comics exactly.

Law simply guessed and guessed correctly that Sanji’s Raid Suit was modeled after Stealth Black from the comic strip, despite the two having clear differences.

I’ll agree that you can’t use the showings as a legitimate feat but the clear intention is there, same as for movies he’s involved in. Oda is one of the only two credited writers for the game.
Real life Germa doesn’t follow the comics exactly.

Law simply guessed and guessed correctly that Sanji’s Raid Suit was modeled after Stealth Black from the comic strip, despite the two having clear differences.

I’ll agree that you can’t use the showings as a legitimate feat but the clear intention is there, same as for movies he’s involved in. Oda is one of the only two credited writers for the game.
That's the anime.. we never had the color scheme in the manga
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The more I think about it, the more the Visnmokes, the comic and Sanji make no sense.

I hope we will get some answers.
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I would love to know why his mother's measures didn't work out if that was the case.
Up to a certain extent, the meds worked, it retained Sanji's emotions... But who knows, the meds might not be a 100% protection... I mean, some meds and whatnot have certain limits, especially the ones under the so-called "clinical trials"... Judge's mods are something experimental at the time, and so as the meds that Sora took...

I think Judge can explain this upon his return, or else it would be Vegapunk...
This is not a modification, because we know oda had a proper explaination like G2 for that the first time he made sanji make use of DJ, oda is known to ditch details and not he doesn't has a good answer so he just gives nonsense answers in SBS now.
or if he did fully explain how sanji can use DJ he wouldve spoil sanjis backstory something he didnt want to bring into the story until we meet his family and oda only said "his heart burns hoter" last time i check the heart/soul/will is part of sanjis body the thing that was modified and was effected by soras drugs, DJ being a modification doesnt counter the sbs answer.