Future Events Sanji vs Zoro (but not what you think(

Will a Serious Sanji vs zoro happen and would you like it?

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Zoro vs Sanji would probably play out like this: First: Understand that Zoro is a swordsman .... he has the potential to One shot Sanji if he lands a clean attack. Logically Sanji cannot parry or counter Zoro's Bladed attacks with his kicks(atleast not for long)Zoro is proficient at armament haki but because sanji is profecient at observation haki, he would have an easy time not only dodging but landing attacks on Zoro.They would both have something to overcome, For Zoro: His biggest struggle would be landing an attack on Sanji, For Sanji: His struggle is damaging and knocking out Zoro. Sanjis speed and agility is what prevents the fight from being anything lower than mid diff, potentially high diff situation, cause Zoro might get fucked up quite a bit before he eventually lands a good attack on Sanji. Its just a matter of how long you think sanji can avoid attacks from zoro and how many attacks from sanji can zoro take. So most likely Zoro in a High diff fight. (potentially mid diff) most likely high diff tho.
this was unnecessary this isn’t about how it would play out and who would win if

post it in the zoro vs sanji battledome thread if you want to
I think we could very easily see a serious fight between the two if either ever does anything that conflicts with the other's moral code. (e.g. a situation like what happened on Arlong Park when Yosaku or was it Johnny said Nami killed Ussop and then Zoro wanted to go after her) but I doubt Oda would do it. Nevertheless, I think I’d be pretty interesting if it happened ^^ but I doubt we’d be getting a conclusive winner btw as it won’t just be regular sparing but the two putting their ideals on the line and going at it.