General & Others Sanji Vs Zoro : Who is more attractive

Based on these two examples, I'd say Sanji any day.

Oda made them both a lot more manly post skip. Zoro was the #1 pre skip, but now he became a bit too buff? Lost his neck to buffness? And I lowkey miss his eye.
Zoro without a doubt. As a girl, he appeals to me much more. Not just looks-wise, but mainly personally-wise. I’m not a fan of the Sanji character archetype in any medium whereas it’s the opposite with Zoro. I’ve liked him since his 1st scene and over the course of the story developed a deep respect for his character.
Well, I love Zoro more too in general, but if this is just about looks then I won't take his personality into account.

:milaugh: ffs, next thing he will turn into Kaido with his tiny mosshead on top.