Questions & Mysteries Sanji's eyebrow back to normal

Idk, was the last chapter insinuating that he fainted due to the ability fading away?

or he fainted hence the ability deactivated?

anyhow if his abilities are deactivated completely then.. i reckon sanji's haki would get more scrutiny finally.. coz with his buffs his base growth in a way would get stagnated.
with the buffs he's kinda OP.. especially with Ifrit jambe.. and his already dope ass speed + more speed + muscle.

given the fact he was already strong enough to swing Queen and fling him with base kicks i honestly can't see any difference between preBuff sanji and post buff sanji (coz he hasn't shown his full utility and is doing what he usually is capable of)
except for the most notable thing that we can distinguish.. which is exoskeleton

regarding the possibility of it being gone or gone dormant lets just say, we're nearing the end of One Piece already and i reckon next 2 arc extreme diffs for sanji to muster his arnament or advanced haki up.. which plausible.

in a way this too seemed like primarily a character arc for sanji more than combat with how queen was pitched as his opponent and how he keeps loosing his PU's.. it almost feels like he isnt supposed to gain any PU's this arc.. and this is pretty unconventional for a Sanji fight to be this less dynamic and scattered.

i think it'll be a good thing if its gone dormant again.. it will give sanji a chance to develop fundamentally with haki which is crucial.. reaosn being like aforementioned the buffs would stagnate sanji's growth as a haki user.. and he's mid-high diffing any YC2 i doubt Roux has a chance against buff sanji and Ifrit jambe and his exponentially enhanced speed and strength...the guy needs a downgrade if his upcoming fights are ought to be suspenseful.

but first let's see what pda does with the buffs and then conclude but that's my take on it.