Chapter Discussion Saturn is going eviscerate the strawhats

Do people honestly think that Saturn is just going to be a spandam?

This dudes expression indicates he is not afraid of anything. Not some gag character. Plus, there no reason for him to come unless he can help the Marines deal with the strawhats. He's not coming out of mariegoeis just to get punched.

He's not just going to be a fodder the Marines need to protect. He's going to go to egghead island.

Fucking eviscerate the strawhats, kidnap vegapunk and rip out his liver. Strawhats with vegapunk as ally would be too strong. Oda needs a way to hype the enemy and this is perfect chance
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Do people honestly think that Saturn is just going to be a spandam?

This dudes expression indicates he is not afraid of anything.

He's not just going to be a fodder the Marines need to protect. He's going to go to egghead island.

Fucking eviscerate the strawhats, kidnap vegaounk and rip out his hearts. Strawhats with vegaounk as ally would be too strong. Oda needs a way to hype the enemy and this is perfect chance
@Blackbeard @EmperorKinyagi @TheKnightOfTheSea this fine gentleman would make for a great disciple of our church.:saturn:
@Blackbeard @EmperorKinyagi @TheKnightOfTheSea this fine gentleman would make for a great disciple of our church.:saturn:
Our cult can only have 1 father and 3 disciples at a time, remaining members will become normal followers.

Though competitions for the disciple rank can be held later for ambitious members of our Saturn church, the bigger your Saturn wank, the more likely you replace a pre-existing disciple.
