You are Bennett!
[Passive - Adventurers Guild] Bennett loves adventures and learning new things to help his friends. As such, he has a 10% chance of learning one active ability of a killed Townie after each day phase as a 1-shot.
[Passive - Misfortune] Bennett is known for his unfortunate luck. This misfortune extends to even members of his own group. As such, he has a vote power of -2. Meaning that every time he votes on a wagon, the number of votes on the wagon are reduced by 2. (Note: You cannot hint/reveal this passive)
[Active - Supporting Flames] You are a very supportive person. As such you may destroy the first negative action aimed at your target each night.
[Active - Benny's Adventure Group] Once a cycle, you may invite a player to join the benny's adventure group. If they accept, you may gift them any one of the following:
- A 1-shot vig [2-shot]
- A 1-shot iron [1-shot]
- make their next attack unstoppable.
[Elemental Skill: Pyro] You can burn the first vote on you [2-shot]
Eliminate all threats to Town