Chapter Discussion Shanks is a bitch

He's too much of a bitch to confront Luffy now that he wants the ONE PIECE! He KNOWS that Luffy has awakened the Nika fruit, he knows that he bet his arm (and maybe his life) on that boy from Foosha Village. Thats why he gave him his straw hat and now he might want it back. Shanks probably wants to see Momo and Hiyori. Momo told Yamato that he didnt want him to interfere, why? It is because Yams will set sail with Luffy? I dunno. Shanks might go to Wano to help Momo with GB after the SHs leave. All sings point to the reunion happening on Elbaf. Am I wrong? Could be, Im prepared for the final saga.

Also this isnt Shanks slander or "Shanks is evil or Tenryuubito or Secret Marine", Shanks is just a bitch.
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