Versus Battle SHK vs SBS

Who wins?

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Battle of the pretty boys of Qin and Zhao
Seika: 100k with all of their commanders including Ji Gag and Jokeareyou
SHK: 130k
He gets the black cavalry and some of the non vassal generals:
Remaining Kanki army, Heki, Mouki, Fuu Han and Ju ko'Ou who was captured.
Battle at Shukai plains.
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From a logical and realistic point of view, I think ShibaShou will win against Shouheikun. There is no way a scholar/warrior can win against a real general with decades of real experience on the battlefield, against countries and nomadic tribes.

But based on Hara's writing style, the winner will be Shouheikun:

1. First Shibashou will overwhelm Shouheikun

2. Next Shouheikun is cornered

3. Shouheikun suddenly recalls his memories with Moubu, remembering the promise/vow between them

4. Shouheikun is full of power, he finds Shibashou's weakness and counterattacks

5. Shibashou dies.
SHK > SBS. Arguably one of the three most hyped military men in all of China.

However I'm a bit unsure on Shouheikun's subs here. The Juuko tactician should be better than anyone SBS has, Kansaro included. But then Shouheikun has Heki and Kanki's remainers...who should be a very little factor, lol.

But yeah, Qin's chief baby.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Yeahhhh not really sure what Shouheikun is supposed to do against Shibashou tbh, especially with nearly equal numbers. What can Shouheikun have up his sleeve that is superior to Ousenโ€™s tactics that Shibashou ate for breakfast? Ousen surrounded Shibashou with a 2:1 advantage and still lost. How would Shouheikun be different? Iโ€™m not even sure.

Plus Shouheikunโ€™s subs really add nothing here tbh. Kankiโ€™s subs are pretty insignificant without Kanki to lead them, Juukou Ou is featless and Heki is largely irrelevant here. Shouheikunโ€™s black cavalry is nice but honestly Shibashou just has the severe advantage in terms of his commanders. I doubt Shouheikun has one sub excluding MAYBE Hyoushiga who can kill Shibashouโ€™s generals.

Shouheikunโ€™s only hope is that his own martial prowess would allow him to slay literally every relevant commander here. Which honestly Iโ€™d say Shouheikun vs Jiaga or Kansaro isnโ€™t looking too bad butโ€ฆShouheikun vs Shibashou, obviously we donโ€™t know either of their full abilities but Shibashou to me just seems like he would be above Shouheikun who hasnโ€™t really fought on the battlefield for over a decade. Even prime Shouheikun vs somebody like SBSโ€ฆitโ€™s hard to really say how a skill based fighter like Shouheikun would match up against an 8 foot tall Goliath like Shibashou but Shibashou just seems too overwhelming for me.

I would say Shibashou high diffs.
So by remaining Kanki subs I'm suposed to understand this is just Maron, Ogiko and Saki Clan?

Shouheikun was only shown in one battle against an enemy who's far inferior to Three Great Heavens. He is undoubtly a genius in grand strategy, but we still don't know how would that translate to open field battle against an enemy of this calibre.

Shibashou also doesn't have a lot of oncreen showings, but at least him nuking Ousen Army is far superior feat then anything SHK did. On top of that he has way better squad of vassals here. Heki and the bandits are non-factors. Ju Ko'Ou is a great strategist, but doesn't have anything that can stop a powerful charge. Hyou Shiga seem solid, but thats not enough.
I didn't want to give SHK generals that serve other GG's or the trio since that would be cheating but if you think his subs aren't up to task and you remember other living decent generals that i might have forgotten tell me and i'll add them to his army.
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There isn't any generals i can think of so let's just say Mou Ki is in reserves with general Fuu Han and 10k of the northern armies raising the numbers to 130k.
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We haven't seen much of Shouheikun's actual experience in the battlefield other than that one appearance of him near the end of the coalition war.

But from his experiences in developing defensive strategies and scenarios in the King's courtroom suggests that he's pretty much a pure strategical general, not unlike Riboku...just with less actual battlefield experience.

Too bad we haven't seen much of SBS either other than that one battle where he managed to get close enough to Ousen's location and it caused Ousen's army to get pushed back, making him lose that battle.

The remaining Kan Ki army might be able to formulate strategies that work more effectively in the dead of night (such as tampering with food supplies, arson, etc) but with Kan Ki's death along with the rest of their bandit higher ups, this isn't even a guarantee at all.

Shouheiken may want to have Shin and his army in this fight because he might be the only one (Ou Hon is debatable, but I doubt he's on the level of someone like Ou Ki yet) that can hold back Shibashou 1-on-1 due to his experience going up against fighters that are supposed to be above his own weight class.