Fanclub Shrine To The Great Sakazuki


Akianu is on periods. Maybe we were wrong to assume Akainu as male and label as him
At least kizaru didn't shit himself against old rayleigh:suresure:

Akainu didn't need the help of his fellow admirals to make teach and his crew shit themselves and run away, the same teach that scarred shanks in base form while shanks can't do shit without his crew :kobeha:


World's Strongest Swordsman
Something I never noticed before pointed it out in the spoiler thread.

Also re reading
It seems akainu blew up the ship cause of Robin.

Note there are also marines on board

Akainu actually gets no confirmation that she Robin an archaeologist is not on board hence
What he says

And yes it's the same ship.

Side bar re reading Robins backstory is still awesome

Akainu didn't just shoot down that ship for no reason or because he's heartless or anything like that.
He did it in the chance that Robin an archaeologist had boarded and tried to escape.

It's the people who read the ponyglyhs he was targeting. Not just randoms.

Something I never noticed before pointed it out in the spoiler thread.

Akainu didn't just shoot down that ship for no reason or because he's heartless or anything like that.
He did it in the chance that Robin an archaeologist had boarded and tried to escape.

It's the people who read the ponyglyhs he was targeting. Not just randoms.

Akainu doesn't know fairy condom will eventually emerge and liberate the world, so when you think about it he had in mind the countless lives that will be lost potentially if an archeologist actually escaped, without any fruitful outcome to the world.
Kuzan can pretend he's better but killing the scholars, who are still innocent citizens, is no different from bombarding that ship lol