Mercy is after the reckoning; it's been a decade plus, the windows are barred; if him riding on the sea didn't imbed any sense then they deserve whats coming 😤
Mercy is after the reckoning; it's been a decade plus, the windows are barred; if him riding on the sea didn't imbed any sense then they deserve whats coming 😤
There is simply no goddamn chance that Smoker will not be a Top Tier.
If Koby, that pink haired clown, can get the love from Oda that he did? No shot the first genuinely good Marine the man ever wrote will be left in the dirt.
EOS Smoker could very well be the strongest Marine ever.
Trust in the goat. He and Fuji are the only hope for the Marines Aura at this stage.
Bro is the punching bag of the series.
But he's an alpha no question. He's just too damn weak.
That doesn't mean he won't play a role. He's very well respected, has limitless ambition and is a fairly relatable and moral and good man.
Can't wait for him to fulfill his crucial role in this series. Anything else would be unnecessarily cruel by Oda.
My rule for life is to never listen to a Koby stan that talks about a person getting beaten and gives af about strength this much
It's out of line with reality
My rule for life is to never listen to a Koby stan that talks about a person getting beaten and gives af about strength this much
It's out of line with reality
Koby was never humiliated beaten like Smoker post time skip where it matters. Oda didn't even let him get hit on screen the entire raid and escape, dude.
Last time I check Koby is vastly stronger than Smoker. Come back when Smoker has Garp level punching power, better DC than old Garp, hyped coo, and ryou. Maybe you're the one that needs a reality check go reread chapter 1088
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