Speculations So Jack and the Tobi Roppo all burned to death?

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
They all died. Otherwise they would’ve been with King and Queen in Udon.

Jack died as punishment for his sins on Zou.

Perospero dead just the same.

Robin clearly killed Maria. If snapping every bone in her body didn’t do it then the burning flames Robin and Brook had to run through shortly after did.

Big Mom snapped Page One’s neck and if he didn’t die then the fire or the flood finished him off. Ulti’s insides are radioactive slush

CP0 literally said Who Who’s might die a chapter before he pissed off Jimbei and got his brain turned to mush.

Sasaki was in Frankys own words “already dealt countless fatal blows” and we see his final and most lethal attack land on Sasaki’s weak spot.

They are dead but Oda is too wussy to address it directly.
Do you even read One Piece? Named characters don't die so easily unless it's a flashback lol
That's what happen when the main Yonko fell,
The weight their carries is too huge, the crew just become sideline fodder after the captains fell.
Even if Greenbull doesn't come and squashes K & Q again, the ppl of Wano and Samurai doesn't give a shit to rest of beast pirates (Much more Oda) as long as Kaido isn't there anymore.

Conclusion of Wano is written by Oda in the corner of his room whatsoever, couldn't care less.
Money >> the story in old man Oda's mind now