Powers & Abilities So Luffy can transform back from g5 without turning old automatically

Goofy has ALWAYS been able to revert back from G4/G5 if he doesn’t use up all its Haki/stamina

If he deactivates it himself: he’s fine and can move. See Cracker, Katakuri, Yamato combo-attack, Numbers

If he’s forced out of it: he’s out and immobile. See Doffy, Rooftop, Kaido 1v1

That’s the way it’s always been
He's shown himself to look normal three times now after deactivating G5, and all three times he didn't turn into a giant:

Chapter 1045 - 1050:

Chapter 1114 - 1117:

Chapter 1128:

I genuinely think turning into a giant is probably the reason why Luffy looks like an old man once he's done
He was able to use G4 in short bursts without any of the drawbacks by the time we got to Onigashima (destroying the ship with Kid and Law, beating the Number and the Snakeman combo attack with Yamato) but was still immobilized after prolonged use.

The same probably goes for G5.
Chapter 1045 - 1050:
My dude He was out cold for next 7 days.
Kaidou pushed this mf far beyond he even thought himself.

Chapter 1114 - 1117:
Giants actually gave him recovery food immediately. Through which he recovered and post 1117 he ate a lot in the ship too.
A lot of time passed while gorosei were chasing Emeth and luffy was with giant going to ship.

Chapter 1128:

I genuinely think turning into a giant is probably the reason why Luffy looks like an old man once he's done
It was barely a second or 10 second activation.