Questions & Mysteries So Luffy is stupid and gave Kidd 2 Poneglyphs? Nun

Kidd only had one acquired on his own. He got also a copy because of his work against Ksidou and Big Mom.

But why the fuck has he 3. Why should they give him the Zou one as well?


Kidd only had one acquired on his own. He got also a copy because of his work against Ksidou and Big Mom.

But why the fuck has he 3. Why should they give him the Zou one as well?
Two make sense.
He beat Bigmam with Law.
And Beating kaido was alliance effort. Without kid Alliance was fucked.
I think Law gave him only Wano poneglyph, potentially Shanks already has Zou poneglyph, he went to Zou with Roger so he knows the location