Current Events So why didnt WG deploy Seraphims or Admiral after Mihawk?

Why would they send it when they know its waste of manpower.

You're talking about his bounty and saying he's fraud when it was the marines themselves who give him that huge bounty over Buggy "the guy they titled Emperor".
When you're done coping

Get back to reality
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There's the argument that Mihawk was TOOO STRONG so they didn't send the top tiers to fight him because they would lose.

Of course, this argument is stupid because in this case it would be stupid to send fodder to their deaths(his nickname was marine killer) and it would make way more sense to kill/capture the strongest one first with all your strength (admirals, seraphins and marines), use it as a morale boost that the WG don't need the warlords and go after the others after that. A decapitation strike before the news hit would also make sense.

So this argument can only convince people that are too stupid to think properly.

There's actually a better reason that does not seem to contradict canon and wouldn't muddle the waters much:

The WG wasn't sure of some of the warlords locations, specially Mihawk. After all, he has no crew and moves as he wants. Every time there's a fight with important people you can be sure that he will be in another location or will find a excuse to go away. The same can be said about Crocodile and weevil to be honest. Even Boa and Buggy could be in another location so they had to make sure that they pin they down.

So they send a bunch of ships to their islands to confirm if the warlords are in their usual locations, ships lead by vice-admirals. Their purpose is to fight and keep them busy until the big guns could be employed. We saw that with Boa (she was fighting fodders and, after they confirmed that she was there, her clone and mihawk was employed). If she wasn't there, the fodders could destroy the island and give her a reason to send her neck to be cut.

The admirals and seraphins were employed when they confirmed their locations. When Croc appeared Mihawk still hasn't been spotted (running away is his specialty after all) so they send the last batch fully since Buggy was considered a genius and a menace and with Croc they could win. The fact that they escaped must have given reason for that fear.

Then Mihawk was spotted and managed to escape right away. He didn't fight strong enemies because they were busy and the actual battles was harder than they thought. As a example, Boa almost fodderized everyone before Rayleigh and BB appeared.

So this shouldn't be used against Mihawk. I don't personally like the character but it makes sense with the way things were displayed in the manga.
GB moved as soon as they knew Weevil was at sphinx and defeated the fleets

An admiral or ssg would have been deployed if Mihawk defeated the fleets or was actually Yonko level as fans think
Keep coping

At this rate you guys should just accept it that Oda doesn't give Mihawk a top tier portrayal
The dude is treated like some vet tier fighter by WG
They don't fear his power even though he's a famous marine hunter
0 cope .
The one coping/trolling is you.

Mihawk is guaranteed top tier , especially after Zoro beat King and Oda had him remember his promise about beating him plus having him made this cringe speech about becoming the King of Hell.

If marines thought of him as a vtr fighter he wouldn't get a bounty close to that of OG emperors,while he isn't one himself...

Having him be top tier #1& above like some swordtards had him be.
Marines thought Mihawk wasn't a big deal because he was by himself (big mistake for Marines).

Then when Mihawk team up with Crocodile and formed Cross Guild, Marines was like, "Oh shit, we fucked up."

They sent 2 Seraphims + Coby with bustercall fleets after Hancock

They sent bustercall fleets with 3 serpahims after Buggy , they unleashed seraphims only WHEN CROCODILE APPEARED to save Buggy

Greenvull went after Weevil when he soloed bustercall fleets

Even Fuji and VAs were sent after Doffy, Law and Luffy

So why didn't WG consider Posthawk dangerous enough as other Warlords?
Mr. 3.5B pirate, the so called Yonko level dude can't even be taken seriously by WG and others
No wonder why they view him below Buggy in power

A fraud
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@RayanOO @Jailer @Kerkovian
Did you read your own post before you posted it?

You believe the WG/Marines doesn't take Mihawk serious even though they gave him a 3.5B based on his strength alone. A higher bounty than the SN captains and Buggy, the Cross Guild figure head.

Tell us you don't understand One Piece without telling us you don't understand One Piece.

The WG/marines aren't going to send fights that might actually lose their life if they piss off Mihawk.
Did you read your own post before you posted it?

You believe the WG/Marines doesn't take Mihawk serious even though they gave him a 3.5B based on his strength alone. A higher bounty than the SN captains and Buggy, the Cross Guild figure head.

Tell us you don't understand One Piece without telling us you don't understand One Piece.

The WG/marines aren't going to send fights that might actually lose their life if they piss off Mihawk.
You're asking if the living L and professional runner understands OP?
1- pretend that all the characters he likes are top tiers and power benchmarks that can't lose
2 -run
This is the only thing Lnule understands. :kobeha:
0 cope .
The one coping/trolling is you.

Mihawk is guaranteed top tier , especially after Zoro beat King and Oda had him remember his promise about beating him plus having him made this cringe speech about becoming the King of Hell.

If marines thought of him as a vtr fighter he wouldn't get a bounty close to that of OG emperors,while he isn't one himself...

Having him be top tier #1& above like some swordtards had him be.
Yet st8ll doesn't get top tier treatment

All he has is empty bounty and title which doesn't even make WG and others fear his power as they fear other Warlords
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Lol, he got this title for stacking fodder marine corpses.
Yonko level though
WG prefer sending their best assets to other Warlords bar Mihawk
No admiral even propose to go fight him

Top tier Mihawk
Mihawk was asked to be a Yonko. That says it all.
Nobody asked him to be Yonko

OP verse and WG never deemed him Yonko level in status or power.
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Kizaru was willing to stop Linlin from going to Wano
Admirals have always been sent or went willingly to face Great Pirates and other top pirates (warlords, YCs)
yet No admiral willed or thought of stopping Mihawk
Not even 1 Seraphim was deployed for Mihawk
Nobody asked him to be Yonko

OP verse and WG never deemed him Yonko level in status or power.
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Kizaru was willing to stop Linlin from going to Wano
Admirals have always been sent or went willingly to face Great Pirates and other top pirates (warlords, YCs)
yet No admiral willed or thought of stopping Mihawk
Not even 1 Seraphim was deployed for Mihawk
Mihawk let Buggy become Yonko because he didn't care about it.:pepehawk:
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Marine Hunter.
This is without a doubt the most braindead post ive seen on any forum in my entire life.

What even is your point?why didnt the gov. send the seraphim that cost as much as 2 fuckin warships to their deaths?
Or why they didnt waste the manpower of 2 admirals while theyre in their biggest moment of crisis in decades?

If anything,their lack of action is the answer to your stupid question.

Anyway,from what i see in the other comments from older members youre a known troll in the forum so dont bother replying and embarrassing yourself
After Roger, Garp.
After Whitebeard, Sengoku.
After Doflamingo, Tsuru.

The real MVP of the warlords ks Doflamingo... Mihawk cant even defeat Buggy, it is his natural enemy. The beating were given by Croco Boy.