Powers & Abilities Something from Sanji vs Queen you might've not noticed

When Sanji went invisible by moving fast, Queen went to attack O-Some but he actually was supposed to blitz her

And as we can see, Queen already had "punished" her before, without Sanji noticing anything, to the point he blamed himself like he was the one who did it.

Even if Sanji was "deep in thought" and that might've affected his CoO (since concentration is important), im still sure he had a haki bloom during his blitz. Because Sanji moved so fast that everything around him massively slowed down in comparison to himself

Even then, during that blitz, he managed to power up his flames, detect Queen, found out that Queen hit Some and hit him before he reaches her (he was quite close to her by the end)

The idea is similar to when he kicked Oven, but this time is in whole other level

To the ones who say "Sanji sneak attacked Queen", "Queen lost because he went to attack Some", naah.. Thats not it.

Queen already had no chances to win, there was already a huge gap between Sanji and Calamities at that point. You could say he understimated Sanji, but villains do that the whole time, he couldn't even imagine what was going to happen just few seconds later, he wasn't going to think so highly of Sanji to imagine that blitzing Some while invisible would result on him being sent flying to the moon knocked out, so suddenly, so quickly, and out of nowhere.

Unfortunately Oda sucks at drawing fights, even if his ideas are great on paper, post-timeskip specifically. But im sure the anime will do a great job and make this fight look much better than in the manga
Good catch.
Sanji detected Queen not with haki, but through the sound Queen made for being fat.

By that logic, did Sanji beat Absalom with or without observation haki down here?

Cuz if Sanji beats Absalom without haki while Absalom wasn't moving then it debunk the whole "Sanji detect Queen through the sounds of his footings" notion and if Sanji uses CoO to beat Absalom then it proves Sanji as the first Strawhat to unlock haki pre-timeskip. Basically a lose lose situation for Sanji downplayers.
Sanji detected Queen not with haki, but through the sound Queen made for being fat.

Not the case.

1. Osome didn’t hear Queen despite him literally running up behind her
2. Sanji used an attack designed to aim at an opponents specific body Part. Hearing foot steps wouldn’t allow that accuracy
3. Sanji didn’t initially sense Queen because his emotional state didn’t let him focus. Once he heard queens intention and thoughts and realized he didn’t break his personal vows he was able to focus on the fight see Queen and beat him.
Not the case.

1. Osome didn’t hear Queen despite him literally running up behind her
2. Sanji used an attack designed to aim at an opponents specific body Part. Hearing foot steps wouldn’t allow that accuracy
3. Sanji didn’t initially sense Queen because his emotional state didn’t let him focus. Once he heard queens intention and thoughts and realized he didn’t break his personal vows he was able to focus on the fight see Queen and beat him.
So you think you can come here, make a comment, and not leave a like? :beckmoji:
Huh ? Sanji did found queen with sound ? funny :) All sounds comes from just one point or different points ?
How did sanji detect directly via sounds ?
Do you think this action took one year or something ?

The detecting via sound stuff is immediately debunked by the fact that queen talked to sanji while invisible
Sanji can only go invisible to Queen they say, Explain the SSHHH effect then.

Queen is just as fast as King, If the raid suit didn’t restrict Sanjis flames he’d be unstoppable, he’d have unlimited temperature and unlimited speed