Future Events Soon...

I'll give AdmiraL's all the credit when they earn any, it's just that they can't help but look terrible every time Oda has them appear on screen:suresure:
Greenbull is equal to that of Big Mom but even he doesn't stoop down to her shitty gag

Admirals don't get gags, they get the odds stacked against them
Zoro vs Kizaru is the type of fight where Kizaru will have the upper hand initially but then Zoro will have a flashback about Kuina and stomp Kizaru with a random power up

You don't want this
Zoro clashing with Kizaru is no problem with me, it'll just mean that he isn't too far off from Luffy but it also doesn't mean he's on their exact level because stalling is a normal thing.

if Kizaru gets defeated in this arc which I doubt I hope Oda at least gives him an honorary defeat