Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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When has the Navy ever been smart?
It's just Oda who can't think for shit
Why didn't Kong send Garp and Sengoku to Tottoland when Roger died and Shiki was captured?

Whitebeard wasn't gonna make a move then and Kong would protect the Marine HQ , Tsuru was also not as out of shape as she is now so She would either help Kong or the Guys.

Garp+Sengoku should have been enough

It doesn't make sense why they let her grow , at least Whitebeard traveled on boat and didn't stay in one place
Roger Pirates with Oden were above the Rocks Pirates.
And Shanks crew has a crew equivalent of the Rock pirates, possibly even stronger.

So that gor sback to my point.
Honestly, I don't see anyone except Ben at high levels
Everyone can be better than Shanks and Roger's crew

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I think the SHP's will still end up as the strongest. It works out when Sanji becomes a full fledged Top Tier with all other crew members being commander level.
Luffy: Mythical Zoan Awakening, Adv CoC, CoA, CoO
Zoro: Three Black Blades, Adv CoC and CoA, CoO
Sanji: Franky/Usopp Sora Raid Suit, super-speed, fights with hands/knives since his hands can heal themselves now, Adv CoA and CoO
Usopp: Adv CoO, CoA, possibly CoC. Some Elbaf uprgrade
Nami: Enel's Fruit, able to form Sky Clouds out of her Clima-Tact to ride on and use as platforming/shields. CoO, possibly CoC
Vivi: Kuma's Fruit, stronger after training over timeskip. Coa, CoO
Chopper: No idea, plz, Oda, make Chopper cool again, PLZZZZZZZZ
Robin: Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fishman Karate, CoA and CoO
Franky: Seastone upgrades to all tech and Sunny (Wano produces Seastone), possibly steals Queen's laser technology
Brook: Some Underworld related glow up, improved Swordplay, CoA, CoO
Carrot: Monet's Fruit, CoA, CoO, greater Electro, Nami team up with electricity, some kind of fake moon to induce Sulong artificially
Jinbei: Adv CoC and CoA, some ability to store water to use it on hand (maybe Raizo gives him scrolls to carry?!?)
Yamato: Mythical Zoan Awakening. Adv CoC and CoA, CoO.
Tama: Aged up by Shinobu, forms a small army, develops Ninja techniques with Raizo and Shinobu
Momo: Learns swordplay, becomes a fusion of Kaido and Oden, a dragon swordsman
Kinemon: He's gonna die, damn

EoS Straw Hats are going to be ridiculously powerful. Oda just didn't want to give them too many power-ups early on, now they'll get a lot. I imagine they'll train with Shank's crew, too.
god damn i can't believe how mid this post-batte epilogue was
it really feels like oda is actualy rushing it
Yeah. We have gotten "Post" arcs for the two major and generally considered best sagas in OP, Water 7 and Marineford. Oda probably had plans like Ryuma grave visit and shit whuch woulda been cool. But Film Red, he had to rush to include shanks for the sweet sweet movie money. But hey, at least he's having FUN

I was full blown Yamato for Nakama until now, cuz I just wanted one thing and that was someone new to join the SHs, preferably a hirl. Wasnt fond of Carrot joining, now that might actually happen. Imo there is only one more person left, and this person is already a SH in many ways.
This is bad as Luffy will never have a crew as strong as Roger, Shanks or Rocks.

In fact his core crew is weaker than Kaido's and Big Mom's core crew.

His promise to Shanks about returning the hat when he had a stronger crew than him was all a lie.

Oda giving Luffy the Nika Fruit( instead ofnjust hsving him train and awaken regukar Gomu Gomu fruit) and then this not living up to Shanks promise.

He has effectviely killed every part of Luffy's character.

His crew will need help against Blackbeard's crew, even whenbhe faces blackbeard 1 v 1.

Even Roger's crew had 4 CoC users on it.

Like I said before, Oda made a grave error and killed his manga.
Are you talking to yourself? The Strawhats aren't weaker than the BP or the BMP. :saden:
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