Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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I am sorry to all his fans that it looks like Yamato isn't joining. I may not have been his supporter, but I did have to agree for a while that he had the clearest path to joining. It also seems like a pretty weak way to end it, so just know I have no issues with anyone simply for believing he'd be leaving with the crew. I wholeheartedly salute you for standing by your belief to the end.
He was stronger than Sanji before Sanji destroyed Queen with his new power ups. There is no indication that Jinbei grew at all over the TS.
Sanji was already shown stronger than Jinbe back in Fishman Island tho?

This is why feat scaling doesn’t work. Fishman Island oda directly compared the ultimate techniques of Sanjis and Jinbes attack, and one was more devastating.

In WCI Sanji beat Yonji, someone on the same level as Jinbes Wano fight, but sanjis fight was easier than jinbes.

But because Jinbe “fought top tiers” people refused to accept this and some still do. Yamato is the same route. She got bullied by a Kaido who was holding back.

Hell, Momo did better against top tiers than her but Momo > Yamato is a silly take.

Side by side, if you look at their Speed, AP, and defenses then we can argue who wins in these categories but blanket statement like “Sanji didn’t fight a top tier yet” doesn’t make aense
Like Oden, Yamato is just an ally
Vivi and Momo are now considered the kings of their country
So who will be the last?
I am sure that the last person is the man that Kidd is looking for:milaugh:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I am sorry to all his fans that it looks like Yamato isn't joining. I may not have been his supporter, but I did have to agree for a while that he had the clearest path to joining. It also seems like a pretty weak way to end it, so just know I have no issues with anyone simply for believing he'd be leaving with the crew. I wholeheartedly salute you for standing by your belief to the end.
Thanks shift. We love you :blush:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
He doesn't care who is popular xd. He writes what he wants and this chapter only proves that.
I honestly respect Oda for this. He does care about making the (Japanese, since that's where the series is most popular) fans happy, but, at the end of the day, he writes what he wants. He makes decisions I disagree with, but some of them I respect because he was willing to do what he wanted, even if it pissed people off.


Remember when we thought the downfall of Kaido+BM will throw the world in a state of chaos as it was kinda teased all the time?

Turns out Doffy's loss changed the world more. Oda simply replaced the fallen emperors, gave Sabo fake hype and that was it.
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Fucking hate that

Happened again lol
Saw that by change
U damn Automerge failer

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I think ZKK theory always on the table but blokes who wanted to happen sooooo bad really need therapy
ZKK makes sense narratively, but only after the Raid.

Anyone who thought that Zoro was going to kill Kaido, and that Luffy was going to have his victory stolen, is crazy. Luffy had to beat Kaido, and get the finishing blow.

ZKK only works if Kaido comes back and Zoro kills him (which is what my crazy ass still believes).
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