Chapter Discussion Spoilers, chapter 1048

Garp the Fist

Tbh I was joking lol but yeh I can see where you’re coming from. I couldn’t tell you what Kawamatsu has done in the story since Act 2 in anyway.

Kikou somehow is in the top 5 characters with most panels in Wano as well.

I feel like he’s toned back on them but he’s still trying to get people to care about them as well.

I’m interested to see what happens to Ashura Doji cause it’ll make more sense when we see his outcome cause he’s been offscreen for a good while now
Yes I think there’s a bit of a battle going on with Oda wanting to show Scabbards and editors telling him that no one cares and he needs to move on.

(Seperately, I would not at all be surprised to find out that the editors are telling Oda “you really have to do more with Kid, the fans expect it” while Oda’s more ambivelent.)

Funnily enough I’m rereading Wano, and I’ve went through Act One.

Which is actually excellent and far and away the best paced part of Wano.

And the introduction to the Wano Scabbards is really good. Kiku humiliates Urashima, you get the story of Ashura/Shutenmaru built up then the great panel of Ashura cutting Jack (who, again, is surprisingly decent in Act One). Denjiro/Kyoshiro gets an interesting introduction, and we get the mystery of the guy in the cell who can kill merely with fish bones.

But since the Scabbards came back from being defeated by Kaido it’s really been pretty poor. Think it would have been better for most of them to have stayed defeated. Maybe make it so the fake Orochi blows up everyone except for Kine’mon and Raizo.

Everything the others done since could have been given to another character.
Drake could have beat CP0 instead of Izo
Hiyori could have killed Orochi instead of Denjiro
Yamato or Killer (or even Jinbei and give WW to Brook) could have beaten Jack instead of Izo
Carrot could have beaten Perospero instead of Neko
Yes I think there’s a bit of a battle going on with Oda wanting to show Scabbards and editors telling him that no one cares and he needs to move on.

(Seperately, I would not at all be surprised to find out that the editors are telling Oda “you really have to do more with Kid, the fans expect it” while Oda’s more ambivelent.)

Funnily enough I’m rereading Wano, and I’ve went through Act One.

Which is actually excellent and far and away the best paced part of Wano.

And the introduction to the Wano Scabbards is really good. Kiku humiliates Urashima, you get the story of Ashura/Shutenmaru built up then the great panel of Ashura cutting Jack (who, again, is surprisingly decent in Act One). Denjiro/Kyoshiro gets an interesting introduction, and we get the mystery of the guy in the cell who can kill merely with fish bones.

But since the Scabbards came back from being defeated by Kaido it’s really been pretty poor. Think it would have been better for most of them to have stayed defeated. Maybe make it so the fake Orochi blows up everyone except for Kine’mon and Raizo.

Everything the others done since could have been given to another character.
Drake could have beat CP0 instead of Izo
Hiyori could have killed Orochi instead of Denjiro
Yamato or Killer (or even Jinbei and give WW to Brook) could have beaten Jack instead of Izo
Carrot could have beaten Perospero instead of Neko
If Oda went on with 5 acts
The arc would be better... he'd have time to pause on wano to draw other stuff happening around the world of OP
That will give him time to refine Wani more.

But nah he made act 3 the last and longest act (longer than WCI even)
Yeah, honestly I don't know how Oda isn't tired of this damsel in distress woman that needs to be saved/helped by a man troupe, especially since this is Oden's daughter ffs. I know she grew up training as an oiran but she could've had Denjiro teach her basic sword skills if there was a possibility. Maybe Zoro might teach her but Idgaf honestly.:tchpepe:
Outside of gifting Zoro Enma, I truly struggle to think of a reason for Hiyori even existing in the first place.

She seems to be the most irrelevant of all the "princesses" introduced in the series. No one seems to even care about her when it comes to reviving the Kozuki clan, everyone is laser-focused on Momo. The group finds out she's been alive all along and they're like "Yay! k let's move on"

You can literally cut her out of the story and nothing would change (outside of, again, Enma being given to Zoro).