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Alright, I skimmed over most of Charles‘ posts and can‘t find the claim you guys mentioned anywhere. He only used that protect on Ratchet last night and nothing more.

With that I‘m off to bed. See you next day. GN!
Day 2 Lynch/Night 2 Begins


@Ariess has received the ability downgrade!

@LethalBanks [Darth Maul] has been lynched!​

"You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient."
You are Darth Maul!
[Passive - Revenge] - Maul has unwavering vengeance for those who have wronged him or his team. If you are the last member of your team, your kills will be upgraded to super-kills.

[Passive - Still Alive] - Despite getting his body split in half by Obi-Wan, Maul was still alive. You will survive the first kill directed at you in the game.

[Active - Double-Bladed Lightsaber] - Using a double-bladed lightsaber gives Maul allows Maul to fight against 2 opponents at once. At night, you may target two players to role block one and vote silence the other. You pick what happens to which target.

[Active - Criminal Enterprise] - As the leader of a powerful crime syndicate, Maul can pull some strings to make things go his way. During the day phase, remove one vote on you. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Galactic Empire
Night 2 Ends/Day 3 Start


@hime [???] has been killed!

@Hayumi [Lando Calrissian] has been killed!

"Everything you've heard about me is true."
You are Lando Calrissian!
[Active - Gambling] - Lando loves gambling, almost to a fault, as he lost the Millennium Falcon to Solo in a gambling match. During the day phase, target a player to have a gambling match of R/P/S with them. The player has to accept or reject the match. The match will last the following night and the target will be role blocked. You have to choose what you're gambling over. The winner has to gain something, while the loser loses something. E.g. you and X are gambling over vote power. You win, allowing you to have double vote, while X loses their vote power. All gambling effects last for one cycle except for kills which are permanent.

[Active - Scoundrel] - During the night of your gambling match, you may activate this ability to flee in the event that you lose, allowing you to evade the negative effects. You cannot use this if you're gambling over a kill. You won't be able to gamble for 2 cycles if you flee. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Republic
Somebody attempted to shoot [???] but failed.

Somebody attempted to shoot [???] but failed.

Somebody attempted to shoot [???] but failed.

Somebody attempted to shoot [???] but failed.

Somebody attempted to shoot [???] but failed.



Before you come at me for shortening the day phase, please realize that D2 was extended by a full 24 hours, so I don't really wanna hear any complaints. I'm shortening it because this is an awful time to have EoD since a lot of players are European so I'm changing it to something more manageable.


I can't believe we actually got another scum lynched last DP, nice!

I targeted Hayumi, because Aries already got a downgraded ability

and i gifted the Droid to Ekko

seems like Blue failed to roleblock me, because Hayumi was killed

@Ekkologix can you confirm if you got the droid?


When were you under the impression this game is..
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