Controversial Stop coping about Croc's bounty

Croc downplayers cope about his high bounty by saying it's only because of his fame and connections, not his strength. This makes no sense though. Post-WCI Luffy had much more fame and much more connections than Crocodile, yet he only had a 1.5B bounty. Croc got a ~2B bounty because he's strong enough to deserve it. Croc is YC1+
Crocodile has allways been strong. He can literally create lasting sand storms. People think because he lost to Luffy he's weak but forget he took a nika nika no storm toto the chin and got punched through like 5 layers of bedrock.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I won't complain if Croco boy shows insane growth to matches his bounty
Basically this. My only issue is that he hasn't shown anything since Marineford, we could have at least gotten some feats when he rescued Buggy after the system got abolished.

You don't get a higher bounty than "5th emperor Luffy" purely for military strength, so we know he's actually really strong now at least.
Croc downplayers cope about his high bounty by saying it's only because of his fame and connections, not his strength. This makes no sense though. Post-WCI Luffy had much more fame and much more connections than Crocodile, yet he only had a 1.5B bounty. Croc got a ~2B bounty because he's strong enough to deserve it. Croc is YC1+
you forgot boa hancock has a bounty of 1.6 and easily got defeated by blackbeard. kid has 3 billion and was one shot material for shanks
Basically this. My only issue is that he hasn't shown anything since Marineford, we could have at least gotten some feats when he rescued Buggy after the system got abolished.

You don't get a higher bounty than "5th emperor Luffy" purely for military strength, so we know he's actually really strong now at least.
He has probably awakened his df and also worked on his haki we know how much of game changer df awakening can be as we saw law and kid defeat emperor with it in wano.
Crocodile > Their Fav

Gorosei Hyped him
Brannew Hyped him
Mihawk Hyped him
Doflamingo Hyped him
Sengoku Hyped him
Bullet Hyped him
Viver Card Hyped him
Buggy Hyped him
Mr. 1 Hyped him
His Bounty Hyped him
His DF Hyped him
Luffy Hyped him
... etc

When People stop using Luffy Fights to Power Scale, they will finally surpass Chimpanzees in IQ & can understand how OP World works.
The World fears Crocodile, His Name stands out on it's own

But when it comes to Luffy defeating Cracker + Katakuri?
Newspaper: "Luffy defeated couple Commanders with High Bounties. No one cares about their Names. Go next"
Downplaying Crocodile will happen sooner or later because of the Sanji connection (Mihawk-Croc to Zoro-Sanji). It's inevitable so don't think too much about it.
Why would Sanji fight Croco ? CG aint fighting the SHs there is no point and they dont even have strong fighters for the crew.

Its only Mihawk vs Zoro and maybe a gag fight between Buggy & Luffy
Why would Sanji fight Croco ? CG aint fighting the SHs there is no point and they dont even have strong fighters for the crew.

Its only Mihawk vs Zoro and maybe a gag fight between Buggy & Luffy
It doesn't have to be a fight, a simple connection via 1 trait is enough. In this case for example, SH/CG #3.
Croc downplayers cope about his high bounty by saying it's only because of his fame and connections, not his strength. This makes no sense though. Post-WCI Luffy had much more fame and much more connections than Crocodile, yet he only had a 1.5B bounty. Croc got a ~2B bounty because he's strong enough to deserve it. Croc is YC1+
Crocodile definitely has a crew stronger than Donquixote pirates

He has the whole backing of the whole underworld
Unless he shows insane growth in strength I am not willing to put him pver the likes of Zoro, Shiryu, Beckman yet

He got stronger but I need to see it how much stronger he has got.