Yep, the portrayal is too strong on this:
Doffy's crew is basically a better version of Croc's and unlike Crocodile he actually managed to rule the kingdom. Doffy was portrayed better than Crocodile.
Yep, the portrayal is too strong on this:
Doffy's crew is basically a better version of Croc's and unlike Crocodile he actually managed to rule the kingdom. Doffy was portrayed better than Crocodile.
Crocodile is strong, yes.
His bounty is weird though.
Even if it represented only his strength, it should have been higher, when compared to Mihawk whose bounty is representing power.
Croc's bounty made all other bounties before him look small.
Or maybe his bounty is fine and it is Mihawk's bounty that is too high, compared to others.
Haters will try and use stupid excuses. Bounty inflation? Lol.
Crocodile is worthy of being Yc1 and should rival any of them.
With feats alone, since Alabasta he is Yc3....
Logia users are above any non haki user, which is like 90% of the world, Crocodile has island ranged attacks, can cut steal with ease, can fight in long range. He is weak in CqC, yet that doesnt mean he is weak overall
I mean the guy literally bifurcated Sakazuki and went one on one with Doffy - it’s obvious he’s powerful and far more so now than when he fought Luffy in Alabasta
I mean the guy literally bifurcated Sakazuki and went one on one with Doffy - it’s obvious he’s powerful and far more so now than when he fought Luffy in Alabasta
Yep, the portrayal is too strong on this:
Doffy's crew is basically a better version of Croc's and unlike Crocodile he actually managed to rule the kingdom. Doffy was portrayed better than Crocodile.
Portrayal, feats, hype, parallels, influence, direct interaction, literally everything.
Donquixote Pirates even have superior Devil Fruits over their Baroque works counterparts:
Portrayal, feats, hype, parallels, influence, direct interaction, literally everything.
Donquixote Pirates even have superior Devil Fruits over their Baroque works counterparts:
Yep, the portrayal is too strong on this:
Doffy's crew is basically a better version of Croc's and unlike Crocodile he actually managed to rule the kingdom. Doffy was portrayed better than Crocodile.
Portrayal, feats, hype, parallels, influence, direct interaction, literally everything.
Donquixote Pirates even have superior Devil Fruits over their Baroque works counterparts:
Buddy, last time we argued, you scaled Crocodile above Doffy, because he was shit talking him lmfao.
I don't even shit on Crocodile, it's just one of the few examples where Oda clearly placed on character above another until proven otherwise.
Buddy, last time we argued, you scaled Crocodile above Doffy, because he was shit talking him lmfao.
I don't even shit on Crocodile, it's just one of the few examples where Oda clearly placed on character above another until proven otherwise.
I was arguing the fact that people put Doffy > Croc based on nothing.
I’ll take the one who attacked Sakazuki without fear and made someone a yonko over the one who cowered from kuzan and called fighting Kaido his worse nightmare.
Buddy, last time we argued, you scaled Crocodile above Doffy, because he was shit talking him lmfao.
I don't even shit on Crocodile, it's just one of the few examples where Oda clearly placed on character above another until proven otherwise.
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