Super Mario vs Pokemon

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Not tagging, but I like both franchises quite a bit; I’ve played more Pokémon games than anything else, but objectively speaking, Mario has been an icon on the same scale as Pikachu for a couple decades longer. They’ve both made Nintendo enough money to buy God, so I’m sure they don’t care who likes which one more so long as they keep the respective machines running smoothly :goyea:
Which franchise is better?
I would say that they’re equal

Which one has better games?
Mario games are more consistent, so I would go with Mario.
Scarlet and Violet were good but also a big mess in some points

Which one is more iconic?
Hmm that’s hard. I would give Mario the edge here


I will never forgive Oda
Which franchise is better?
Which one has better games?
Lol Pokemon is the same game copy and pasted for 30+ years, interchanging forgettable gimmicks each generation.

Super Mario World >> Any Pokemon Game
Paper Mario 1 & 2 >> Any Pokemon Game
Mario Kart >> Any Pokemon Game
Mario 64 >>>>> Any Pokemon Game
Mario Sunshine >>> Any Pokemon Game
Luigi's Mansion >> Any Pokemon Game

I haven't played Galaxy 1 since it came out, never played Galaxy 2 or Odyssey but I know the three of them are held to as high of standards as Mario 64. Likewise you have the WiiU/SWITCH Mario side scrollers, Mario Maker, etc.

Pokemon literally doesn't compete.
Which one is more iconic?

I wonder which is more iconic...
In terms of quality: Mario.

In terms of commercial success: Pokemon (by far)

I like both. But I guess I like Mario better since super mario world for the snes was the first game I ever played.
Which franchise is better?
Which one has better games?
Which one is more iconic?

@RayanOO help me with the tags please
Mario is the best. It's incredible hard for someone to pick a Mario game and find a bad game, while pokemon was only good until Gen.4. The new pokemon games actually had some disgusting decisions that make impossible to play the games.
It's a tie. Pokemon is a billion dollar enterprise and Mario had decades to enter the mind of people. Both will be know by people that don't play games.