Powers & Abilities Swordsman specially Samurai's aren't suppose to have CoC

Samurai's are traditionally just the Shoguns dogs.
They don't have a will of their own and just follows whatever their master say.

Zoro a Samurai is owned by Luffy and we can see throughout the story that Zoro doesn't really have a mind of his own especially post time skip.

Zoro got dominated by Luffy's CoC slowly but surely and now is a submissive dog.

His biggest fight all he thought about is "Luffy" "for Luffy"

He is a good dog just like a traditional Samurai.
Samurai's are traditionally just the Shoguns dogs.
They don't have a will of their own and just follows whatever their master say.

Zoro a Samurai is owned by Luffy and we can see throughout the story that Zoro doesn't really have a mind of his own especially post time skip.

Zoro got dominated by Luffy's CoC slowly but surely and now is a submissive dog.

His biggest fight all he thought about is "Luffy" "for Luffy"

He is a good dog just like a traditional Samurai.
Facts. :kata: