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Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Simple case, would a hufflepuff take something for himself if his best friend killed someone or would he betray him via rat him out?
A Slytherin would take it for himself, a good hufflepuff would rat him out or do you think a hufflepuff would be quiet if his best friend killed a innocent men? This is a question to everyone here, would a hufflepuff who is gullible and believes in justice, protect his friend who wrongfully killed someone or send him to jail?
be honest?
I would like to thank you for proving @TheAncientCenturion is innocent of being a hufflepuff

Your honour @Rottkins , if TAC "betrayed" Sebastian by throwing him into Azkaban, doesn't that make TAC an absolute Slytherin material?

Your honour i move to demand a miss trial on the matter of TAC being Hufflepuff. TAC in its core is Slytherin per words of the prosecutor and as such betraying is in his nature thus making this case moot
False. Playa is a god damn ravenclaw, you're listening to an inferior house on the matters of our own?

Ravenclaws are known for their wisdom and their cleverness. So yes, I trust him more than a Hufflepuff like you.
We're not friends. Slytherin don't have friends (besides Poppy).
Of course we have friends. You were one of them. Remember all the adventures that we've been trough? Hours of learning together, practicing the unforgivable curses? We could tell each other everything. We were friends, TAC. Until that day...
You too, Jeff. You too.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
He had not a own agenda, he just did something what a hufflepuff would do in that moment, he literally said himself that Sebastian used killing curse and need to be stopped. A slytherin would never say words like this..
Unless rise of Sebastian would challenge rise of TAC

Sebastian at that point was on desperate mode, DESPERATE, tarnishing the great legacy of Slytherin

He would strike at Ominous and TAC if given a reason

TAC put down a rabid sad dog