Theory Teach can access/manipulate “the abyss”

CD’s are able to teleport using a power known as “the abyss”.

This abyss emanates black fire and lightning when active.

Gorosei immortality seems to also be tied to the abyss.

Teach has the yami yami no mi, making him a darkness man. Given its name and appearance, there is a high likelihood that the abyss uses darkness and that as a darkness logia, Teach should be able to access and manipulate this power.

I think Yami awakening should grant Teach full control over the abyss. This might allow Teach to grant immortality to his crew, as well as access other powers.
CD’s are able to teleport using a power known as “the abyss”.

This abyss emanates black fire and lightning when active.

Gorosei immortality seems to also be tied to the abyss.

Teach has the yami yami no mi, making him a darkness man. Given its name and appearance, there is a high likelihood that the abyss uses darkness and that as a darkness logia, Teach should be able to access and manipulate this power.

I think Yami awakening should grant Teach full control over the abyss. This might allow Teach to grant immortality to his crew, as well as access other powers.
Considering Tot Musica from Film Red, do you think this abyss of yours could be a way of drawing power from a parallel dimension?

@moreha9685 made a pretty cool theory about Imu being the herald of a greater evil. If we combine that with yours, we could have a Dark Dimension style situation where an evil Dark being (like Dormammu or Cytorrak) exists whose world, the Abyss, and darkness based powers serve as a gateway/powerup for Imu and his followers through the means you've mentioned.

(Luffy might have something similar too, didn't Oda say something about him summoning items from "Nika's World" in the last SBS)

Meanwhile BB with Yami awakening could devour Imu/Gorosei, and manifest his true form as the completed Abyss God once he's absorbed them.

I'm not sure how feasible this is mind you, just felt experimental today.
Yes, I believe the "abyss" is the dimension where the powers of the DFs exist freely, in an unbound form, before being "plucked" by someone from this side of reality, who can either permanently set the powers on a reincarnation cycle, tying them to tree fruits, or, like IMU, who can temporarily "grant" the powers to certain people without the need of a DF (but maybe through a contract of sorts, a la "deal with the devil"?)

And this abyss is the same dimension as BB's black hole.
Meaning that when BB awakens the Yami Yami, he becomes the abyss.
CD’s are able to teleport using a power known as “the abyss”.

This abyss emanates black fire and lightning when active.

Gorosei immortality seems to also be tied to the abyss.

Teach has the yami yami no mi, making him a darkness man. Given its name and appearance, there is a high likelihood that the abyss uses darkness and that as a darkness logia, Teach should be able to access and manipulate this power.

I think Yami awakening should grant Teach full control over the abyss. This might allow Teach to grant immortality to his crew, as well as access other powers.
Why hasn't he done it then?
I mean , He's totally opposite of Their powers.
Can't teleport and take damage even as a Logia.

You can say to some extent his power could be counter to those powers apart of Haki.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
If the nobles using the abyss is the same as the HKs with each of them having the tattoo in their body then the Blackbeard pirates already have the sample as Devon touched Saturn.

So, this should play a key role in Blackbeard's plan. It's true that they are aware of the circle thing and Gorosei's powers to some extent.
If the nobles using the abyss is the same as the HKs with each of them having the tattoo in their body then the Blackbeard pirates already have the sample as Devon touched Saturn.

So, this should play a key role in Blackbeard's plan. It's true that they are aware of the circle thing and Gorosei's powers to some extent.
We don’t know for sure if Devon’s abilities can copy things like that, what we know is just that she can do their appearance and voice