Theory The 925 Squad and the new Blackbeard Pirate: Moria, Shiryu, Devon and ???

This is a theory that some might've thought about already but I'm gonna take another direction that after doing my research I haven't seen anyone go before.

And to the indonesian guy who stole my Rocks theory (word for word) and got about 140k views. If you see this: Stop it and f*** u.

a) Laffite:

I believe Laffite was the first member to enter Wano way before the raid even started. I'm basing this on the intel Blackbeard had about "all the young folks like Strawhat" entering Wano and BM chasing.
Yes, he could've easily wired BM's call and found out about BM chasing and luffy heading to Kaido but the way Blackbeard speaks about it is like he knows about every single Supernova. Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer etc.. In conclusion: Someone is giving Blackbeard info about the events in Wano from inside out.

And I believe that someone to be Laffite.
Why is he there? For that we have to look back a few hundred chapters. To be precise to the reveal of "Drunken Iron Ore":

Back in chapter 803 Koala revealed a special metal called "Drunken Iron Ore" that was found in the weapons that were dealt from Dressrosa. She also revealed that this metal can only be produced by small number of countries.

What country? The first thought is obviously Wano since Wano was the main supplier of weapons to Dressrosa. This thought is further strengthened when we see multiple weapons factories and mines in Udon throughout the Wano arc. I believe those mines produce the Drunken Iron Ore that is later included in the weapons that are shipped out to Dressrosa and dealt with in the underworld.

But back to chapter 803. In the same chapter we see Burgess who managed to infiltrate Baltigo by sneaking onto the Revo's ship. He calls both Shiryu and Laffite to contact Blackbeard to attack Baltigo to get "a ton of weapons". He's talking about the weapons the Revos got from Dressrosa. Later on we find out the Blackbeard pirates destroyed the island and briefly clashed with Cipher Pol.

I think Blackbeard got the weapons and might've found out about the weapons specialty either by analyzing it afterwards or through the brief clash with Cp-0 who was already chasing the Revos. I prefer the former. Through his own underground network he could find out that the weapons trade originates in Wano. But since Wano is a closed nation where information doesn't get out I believe Blackbeard sent Laffite to infiltrate the country and to gather information.

Why Lafitte?

First why only one person? As this mission is supposed to be only for spying and information gathering I think one man is ideal. As much as Devon and Shiryu (who just recently got his fruit) are perfect for stealth and infiltration what they lack is the way to get into Wano to begin with which is why I believe Lafitte to be the perfect fit for this mission for several reasons.

1. Obviously we haven't seen him in chapter 925 with BB as we did Shiryu and Devon which automatically disqualifies those two while it leaves the door open for Lafitte.

2. Lafitte is a stealth master.
- He managed to sneak into Mary Joa completely unnoticed and get into the Shichibukai meeting.
- He also managed to sneak into the control room in Impel Down.
- What's the most surprising here is that he has tap shoes. Those tap shoes should give him away in an instant but they don't. Whether that's related to his ability to fly or to his Devil Fruit possibly being able to somehow suppress the sound is still unclear.

3. He can hypnotize people. This is one perfect for infiltration as well as information gathering.

4. Hes the navigator of the crew which is what let's him stand out from Devon and Shiryu. He would have no trouble finding Wano. Coupled with the fact that he can...

5. He can fly! Marco made it to Wano by flying without any trouble it seems. This gives Lafitte the ability to avoid all those dangerous sea currents underneath as well as the patrol on the waterfall.

So Laffite went to check out the island for the mines and came across Kid and Caribou working in Udon in the meantime. While also coming across Hawkins who was probably checking Wano's regions per usual doing his patrol. Zoro was already wrecking havoc and becoming famous in Wano himself and well the same for Luffy after fighting Kaido. All that he reported back to Blackbeard who talked about in 925 as I've shown at the beginning of this theory.

After staying there for a bit longer Lafitte must've figured out that the young folks are planning a war on Kaido. Telling this Blackbeard it is very likely that he plans on gathering Devil Fruits at the end of the war as well as finding out more about the weapons elements in general. Which leads me to...

b) The 925 Squad:

The Wano Squad consists of Lafitte, Shiryu, Devon and Moria. As their plan is to only gather Devil Fruits towards the end of the war as well as infiltrate Wano as a whole what they need are several other Stealth masters.
(I'm assuming Moria joined Blackbeard as I don't think he could escape nor do I think Oda would introduce him to the arc he has a past with just to kill him offscreen.)

Shiryu's epithet "Shiryu of the Rain" is similar to the ones of the scabbards and other samurai such as "Raizo of the midst" or "Kikunojo of the lingering snow".

Devon's epithet "Crescent Moon Hunter" also could have a connection to Wano as the crescent moon is the symbol of the Kozuki's.

Moria has already been in Wano once and knows how to enter the country with a ship as well as the region which is why they will take him with them. I believe for him to have navigation skills and to have been the one to teach those to Perona which she demonstrated when she brought Zoro all the way to Sabaody alone. Moria was the one to have raised her from childhood on so I don't think anyone else could've taught her. Especially not herself.
Moria might also have suggested himself to go to Wano because of his hate on Kaido.

Not only are they here to gather information and Devil Fruits. I believe Moria is doing what he can do best. Grave rob!
For that being said the perfect location for that is Ringo for one reason. The Eternal Graves in Ringo.

That is probably the reason why Moria went to Ringo 23 years ago to begin with. As Hiyori explains here the bodies in the coffins can remain preserved for centuries because of the cold which is perfect for Moria and his zombies. The other factor are the katanas that are stuck in the ground next to the graves. This is how he managed to steal Shusui together with Ryuma's body. Onimaru put the sword back to Ryuma's grave after stealing it from Zoro but I don't believe it ends here.

I wanna propose two ideas for Shiryu:
Since the grave as we speak right now is badly or not even guarded at all depending on where Onimaru currently is Shusui will be stolen again. Shiryu will take it and be the next wielder of the legendary sword Shusui.

If Shiryu doesn't steal Shusui I think the idea of stealing Kaidos fruit and putting it into his sword is a good one. Oda has already hinted at a dragon sword in the SBS with Zoro being its potential wielder. Shiryu would have 2 Devil Fruits while Blackbeard has (probably)
This is a bit outlandish but I think its absolutely possible. When Kaido gives in to his death and is finally ready to die Shiryu with his invisibility fruit comes in and sneaks the kill on Kaido. This way Kaido's dreams get crushed and he does not get the grand death he wished to have.
Afterwards Shiryu will somehow steal Kaido's fruit and either he does it on the spot or he takes it with him and puts it into his sword later on.

Little word play: 'shi' in japanese can be read as 'death' while 'ryu' means 'dragon' Together, 'shi' and 'ryu' make Shiryu.

Devon on the other hand could come across Onimaru an actual kitsune (it seems, probably just a monk Devil Fruit tho) which would make for an interesting interaction. As well as her epithet could be hinting at a connection to the Kozukis.
In addition to that is her hobby of decapitating the heads of beautiful looking woman and adding them to her collection. Depending on where Hiyori currently is and where she will be I believe her to eventually come across Devon who will try to behead her. Most likely through deception with the help of her shape shifting Devil Fruit.
Devon's "Crescent Moon Hunter" epithet will play a role here as I believe Hiyori as a Kozuki to become the "Moon Princess" (but that's for a theory I will be writing out some other day).

Moria will collect some more samurai zombies and as the war progresses and comes closer to the end the Wano Squad will make their way to the battle place to collect Devil Fruits and some more corpses.
Moria will come across Kaido and they're gonna have their moment. This is the obvious part of the squad's mission but there is one person that will come in contact with them and play a huge role in the future and that person is...

c) Caribou

Many believe Caribou to be secretly working for Blackbeard as a spy which to me makes no sense for several reasons.
Caribou has not been seen anywhere in affiliation to Blackbeard.
He didn't have the time to team up with him unless it happened during the timeskip in Paradise.
Caribou has been stuck in Wano for weeks now why would Blackbeard not even make an attempt on getting him out of there if he is allegedly his spy.
Even in the latest chapters Caribou is insisting on the Strawhats being his only way out of this country.

Therefore I don't think he's affiliated with Blackbeard yet. "Yet" because the Wano Squad will be the one to bring him to Blackbeard. But step by step...
Caribou seems to want to impress a certain someone. That "certain someone" is most likely Blackbeard as many theorized before.

The crucial information regarding Poseidon is clearly gonna be shared with a high profile pirate like a Yonko. Caribou had the chance to tell Kaido but he decided not to it seems.
If it was Big Mom he wouldn't have attacked the BM Pirates on Fishman Island so therefore only Shanks and Blackbeard are left. I do not believe Shanks would like to be associated with someone like Caribou leaving Blackbeard open. Both of them seem to be quite similar and showcase a few parallels.

Aside from the obvious same skin color they for example both entered Pirate Crews with the intent to betray them later on.

- Blackbeard was planning on betraying Whitebeard eventually down the line while Caribou (almost) entered the fake Strawhat crew which he had mistaken for the real one in order to kill them from inside.
- Caribou doesn't shy away from shamelessly using his people around him to his advantage the same way Blackbeard doesn't.
- Both have similar abilities with Caribous ability having the advantage of not destroying whatever is sucked in. So he's basically able to store anything in there which I will come to later.
- Both use supernatural justifications for their evil. While Blackbeard calls it fate, Caribou calls for God.
- Both seem to fear death a lot and shamelessly would be ready to do anything to avoid death. (Bb's reaction to almost dying to Whitebeard and Caribou begging for forgiveness when he gets caught on the Sunny)

Caribou looks up to Blackbeard and is stuck with Luffy constantly. It is not a coincidence that Oda decided to make his favorite food "meat pies" out of all things.

He also seems to have learned quite a lot too while he was imprisoned. As he describes he has been stuck in Udon for a while but he hasn't been doing nothing. He has gathered critical information.
For instance: He managed to find out about the snail system of Wano and also where the boss snail of Udon is located. Additionally he knows that these seastone cuffs are designed to have a mild effect.
I suspect him to also have found out more about what specifically they are mining regarding the metal. Such as the Drunken Iron Ore.

That metal is still unexplained and we don't know its real qualities that make it a "special metal". Though I assume Blackbeard would have interest in creating more of these weapons for himself.

Which leads me to the reasons Caribou would ask the Wano Squad to take him with them to Blackbeard.

d) Caribou the new Blackbeard Pirate

As explained before Caribou looks up to Blackbeard in some way and hopes that he would curry favor with him. Therefore he will be trying to join his crew by asking Shiryu/Devon and offering them two things.

1. To continue on the thought above Caribou's first argument will be the manufacturing of weapons containing the "Drunken Iron Ore". If he had mined Drunken Iron Ore which is highly likely then he knows about it being part of the weapons they are manufacturing.
But is Wano the only place in which these weapons are being manufactured? I don't think so and for that we need to take a look at Caribou's cover story specifically the time when he was on Kaido's favorite island.
On the island we see lots of metal and a weapons factory.
In the weapons factory we see a guard looking over the workers holding a weapon and a sword next to him. So it's clear these people are being forced to work here for Kaido. Caribou frees these people later on and consumes the entire factory and as of right now we don't know whether he still has the factory inside of him or not.

After working together with Luffy and the scabbards to prepare for the raid Caribou disappeared for straight 68 chapters, from chapter 952 to 1020 where he made his reappearance. The last time we saw him before that was 7 days before the raid. Judging by the fact he made his reappearance in Tokage Port he must've stayed behind in Udon. But why?
In the last chapter that we've seen him before he disappeared he talks about how "we", as in him and the samurai, will surprise the enemy on the big day of battle. He was claiming to come with them but ultimately ended up staying back.

So what was he doing? In chapter 1021 he revealed his storage of one month worth of food supply. Filled with fresh meat, fruits and all that which he most likely stole in the meantime he disappeared. It's clear now he wasn't planning on staying on Luffy's ship until he reaches home but rather he wanted to leave alone as soon as possible to somewhere else. Nor was he actually planning on fighting with them.

Next to gathering food for his trip to somewhere, Caribou collected what he needed most to leave the island. Which I think to be the metal "Drunken Iron Ore".
As I said I suspect him to have found out about what they are mining, meaning: He has taken all the weapons the samurai have left behind and the metal that was still not manufactured into weapons. The raw material.
The samurai have only taken the swords as we've seen through out Onigashima and it was also said samurais mainly fight with swords and spears and they would have had to have figured out in like a day how to use a canon, machine gun, firearm, etc..

Before he leaves Wano he will use the fact that Raizo owes him as an excuse to steal from Wano.

The end of Wano is approaching and we know nothing about Kaidos favorite island yet which leads me to believe that Caribou might actually lead the Blackbeard islands to that island depending on how important that island is and what exactly is hidden there which we will find out in a flasback.

We also dont know where Scotch is as Caribou drowned him and possibly consumed him because I doubt Oda is killing him.

2. Second option is the obvious one of simply telling Blackbeard about Poseidon leading to him going after Shirahoshi. I think both of these are possible at the same time.

- Laffite infiltrated Wano because of the metal they found in Baltigo which they traced back to Wano.
- The 925 Squad consisting of Moria (forced), Devon, Shiryu and possibly Laffite again infiltrates Wano to collect Devil Fruits, weapons and metal.
- Caribou has all of these except the Devil Fruits and offers a deal to the 925 squad if they take him to Blackbeard and let him join the crew.
Interesting read! I've had quite similar thoughts regarding Caribou and the BB pirates infiltrating for a while.

BB harbors the ambition to become the PK too and while his usual self would resort to doing the dirty parts, there was no way he was intending to sit on his ass all the time while waiting to steal all the poneglyph copies from someone like Luffy.

So in addition to the 925 gang going for DF hunting, they could also be seeking Wano's road poneglyph for all we know. The Caribou scenario you try to present would also take care of him not being able to decipher the poneglyphs having the location of 2 of the ancient weapons. Heck, Caribou could potentially know about the 3rd one too by the end of this arc.

My only issue is that, while a lot of BB's crew members are skilled at subterfuge, it's hard to see how they would exactly climb up that waterfall (barring Lafitte) when the Queen Mama Chanter has been stationed there for a little over a week.

With the spotlight now on Robin as the "pirates' key", it also makes sense for BB's crew to try and abduct her IF we are not going with the Caribou scenario.

I've also been thinking that with the WG trying to force imposition on Wano, they would definitely not dispatch a weak force to clean things up. But at the same time this arc has to end on a victorious note for the SH's which leads me to believe that there will be a deterrent like BB (or his crew), the revos or Shanks which leave them no choice but to retreat for the time being.

Great stuff all in all!
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Loved this theory!

I feel like Caribou is gonna do everything that you described, but with the one exception being his joining the BB crew. Just my opinion - but he's a weakling compared to the rest of that crew. If he brings all these things to "curry favor" with them, I could easily see the BB pirates just taking his stuff and killing him for his fruit instead of letting him join.

Kind of a similar fate to Absalom - and honestly considering how scummy Caribou is, it would be a fitting fate for him. Seems like something the BB pirates would do, at least.
Loved this theory!

I feel like Caribou is gonna do everything that you described, but with the one exception being his joining the BB crew. Just my opinion - but he's a weakling compared to the rest of that crew. If he brings all these things to "curry favor" with them, I could easily see the BB pirates just taking his stuff and killing him for his fruit instead of letting him join.

Kind of a similar fate to Absalom - and honestly considering how scummy Caribou is, it would be a fitting fate for him. Seems like something the BB pirates would do, at least.
I could def see that. They could give him the illusion of letting him join. While planning from the start to betray him. Either way I believe he wants to meet Blackbeard for whatever reason.

I dont think they can kill him on the spot. Theyre def gonna take him to Blackbeard. But after he starts spilling. If hes useless after that they might get rid of him
I could def see that. They could give him the illusion of letting him join. While planning from the start to betray him. Either way I believe he wants to meet Blackbeard for whatever reason.

I dont think they can kill him on the spot. Theyre def gonna take him to Blackbeard. But after he starts spilling. If hes useless after that they might get rid of him
100% on board with you there.
Interesting read! I've had quite similar thoughts regarding Caribou and the BB pirates infiltrating for a while.

BB harbors the ambition to become the PK too and while his usual self would resort to doing the dirty parts, there was no way he was intending to sit on his ass all the time while waiting to steal all the poneglyph copies from someone like Luffy.

So in addition to the 925 gang going for DF hunting, they could also be seeking Wano's road poneglyph for all we know. The Caribou scenario you try to present would also take care of him not being able to decipher the poneglyphs having the location of 2 of the ancient weapons. Heck, Caribou could potentially know about the 3rd one too by the end of this arc.

My only issue is that, while a lot of BB's crew members are skilled at subterfuge, it's hard to see how they would exactly climb up that waterfall (barring Lafitte) when the Queen Mama Chanter has been stationed there for a little over a week.

With the spotlight now on Robin as the "pirates' key", it also makes sense for BB's crew to try and abduct her IF we are not going with the Caribou scenario.

I've also been thinking that with the WG trying to force imposition on Wano, they would definitely not dispatch a weak force to clean things up. But at the same time this arc has to end on a victorious note for the SH's which leads me to believe that there will be a deterrent like BB (or his crew), the revos or Shanks which leave them no choice but to retreat for the time being.

Great stuff all in all!
Moria managed to do it once 23 years ago. He can do it again. And with the help of the invisibility cloak of Shiryus fruit they could sneak through protection and the BMP even if they were to come across them.

Btw I also think its possible that Caribou steals another Poneglyph
Idk if itll happen exactly like that but teach and his crew are definitely gonna take advantage of luffy's accomplishments in any way they can like they usually do
Just like im pretty confident they're attacking wci while linlin is gone they're gonna come to wano after kaido is down
Idk if itll happen exactly like that but teach and his crew are definitely gonna take advantage of luffy's accomplishments in any way they can like they usually do
Just like im pretty confident they're attacking wci while linlin is gone they're gonna come to wano after kaido is down
Theres not enough time for Blackbeard to go to WCI and then after that to Wano.
The time we saw Blackbeard in chapter 956 is literally one day before the raid (at most a few days if miscalculated) which is not enough travel time.
Theres not enough time for Blackbeard to go to WCI and then after that to Wano.
The time we saw Blackbeard in chapter 956 is literally one day before the raid (at most a few days if miscalculated) which is not enough travel time.
He still has a crew he could send out instead of going their himself
Send out a bunch of captains and he should at least be able to steal a poneglyph copy. Especially if lafitte is one of them
He still has a crew he could send out instead of going their himself
Send out a bunch of captains and he should at least be able to steal a poneglyph copy. Especially if lafitte is one of them
Which is my theory lol
Literally what I said. Sent out Devon and Shiryu and take Moria with them
Nicely put together, I enjoyed the read. I also think many things you mentioned are being slept on (probably due to the arc's length though). Wouldn't mind if this theory ended up being true.
Nicely put together, I enjoyed the read. I also think many things you mentioned are being slept on (probably due to the arc's length though). Wouldn't mind if this theory ended up being true.
Definitely. I dont know how long this arc will keep on going but I believe we still got enough time for those characters to suddenly sneak in especially since the WG has entered the party this late too.