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The pirates can't attack marine or gb directly, indeed rocks crew were the only pirate who attack them (the only crew which have the same power than the revo)
Anyone can aim their sword against WG doesn't means they have capacity to beat them. Revo's aim is to overthrow CD rather than bringing the entire marines down. Rox was going to do that big difference
Well sure, but I really don't get why some feel the need to say who's their favorite or least favorite when the main point of a community about a fictional universe is to exchange their thoughts, enjoy the story and constructively criticize it and say why we like the story

I never understood the people repeating dozens of times that they don't like a character specifically, I don't like Charlos and i won't and don't feel the need to talk about something that I hate, because I just ignore things that I dislike :kayneshrug:

Not liking a character is your right, ruining the fun for others isn't, it's a story, not a political debate we're all just here to enjoy it
I don't get all the seriousness about fictional characters too, but i guess it's a valid entry to (healthy) discussions, i myself am a fan of trolling Zoro, and when someone calls me a candy i just gotta accept, it's part of the forum. Guess we both have some valid points tho.
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