It's not a lie. Doffy was Kaido's little playtoy. Upon hearing Kaido's name, he instantly trembled in pure fear.
Because that time Big mom threatened Katakuri for daring to speak to her, he was so calm... c'mon these guys are monsters

And yet it's a literal fact that Doffy has waaaaayyyyyyy more influence and significance than Katakuri to the point that Oda has made sure this man keeps coming up in every big event of the manga even up to now

Like I said, say what you will about power scaling but don't make act dumb claiming this man who had entire multiple arcs centered around him is some random guy in the story
Post automatically merged:

Mihawk was how old then ?
Im sure ray and shakky had had him by then...
See what's interesting is that Mihawk was supposes to be famous by this time in the flashback so... wherever he came from isn't important but by now he should also be appearing in the newspapers
Lol, Doffy tanked one of the most deadly attacks in the entire series prior to that, even luffy said that Doffy just had to be weaker.

Kata lost a 1v1 against luffy that just went through an 11 hour battle with Cracker....
First of all

WCI Luffy >> DR Luffy....Luffy can escape Katakuri after G4 time limit but he was struggling really hard to escape in DR when he was out of G4
G4 clearly pummeled Doffy

Doffy also said Luffy became weaker.....

And in future Akainu/BB going to lose to Luffy same way Katakuri lost to Luffy and Luffy and co gonna gang up on Kaido...will you say Kaido >>Akainu/BB??


Mihawk: Wants to estimate how much weaker he is to WB
Top Tier Akainu: Casually trashes WB

Mihawk: Blocked by Jozu
Top tier Aokiji: Neg diffs Jozu

Mihawk: Gets blocked by Croc
Pre timeskip Luffy: sends Croc flying

Mihawk: Gets stalled by Vista and has to postpone
Top Tier Akainu: Immediatly gets passed Vista

Mihawk: Cant cut Luffy's arms off
YC Cracker: Cuts half of G4's arms off

Fanboy: Mihawk is equal to Shanks who is a Yonko
Manga fact: Mihawk had equal fights with young Shanks, and Shanks only became a Yonko a few years ago. So Mihawk was having equal clashes with Shanks that got scarred by pre-Yami BB.

"B..but Mihawk is a Top Tier"

Sure baby !
:feelscryingman: Poor Posthawk


You know a character is trash when a gifter trash talks him:steef:

Kaido literally called him weakling straight
And a gifter said Idiot Joker

Shutenmaru > Doffy base don Kaido evaluation of strenght

Time to get back to reality

"Katakuri lost 1vs 1 to luffy "
Tell them to prove Katakuri losing the brawl... zero evidence
Imagine losing to Boundman that was trash to Katakuri

"Dofy was weakened," DOFFY used bellamy tow essien Luffy.
He never damaged Luffy by himself
@MarineHQ62 seems to forget that Luffy ate and slept ... in DR he didnt sleep and ate like in WCi, he fought without resting.
Luffy never hyped Doffy! Never! Luffy never sat and try coming up with a plan to take down Doffy, he never saw him a threat that he cant beat.

forgetting kata with blood loss matched g4 luffy.
Doffy failed to even fight g4 to standstill without losing or getting dominated both rounds.

Luffy wasn't sure about Knocking down Katakuri
He was begging him to "fall already" lol

When Luffy Kaido do not value you as someone incredibly strong, then you are trash.

They still cant explain how will Doffy do better than G4 boundman against Katakuri
When Doffy skills and speed are poor

Kaido literally called him weakling straight
And a gifter said Idiot Joker

Shutenmaru > Doffy base don Kaido evaluation of strenght

Time to get back to reality

"Katakuri lost 1vs 1 to luffy "
Tell them to prove Katakuri losing the brawl... zero evidence
Imagine losing to Boundman that was trash to Katakuri

"Dofy was weakened," DOFFY used bellamy tow essien Luffy.
He never damaged Luffy by himself
@MarineHQ62 seems to forget that Luffy ate and slept ... in DR he didnt sleep and ate like in WCi, he fought without resting.
Luffy never hyped Doffy! Never! Luffy never sat and try coming up with a plan to take down Doffy, he never saw him a threat that he cant beat.

forgetting kata with blood loss matched g4 luffy.
Doffy failed to even fight g4 to standstill without losing or getting dominated both rounds.

Luffy wasn't sure about Knocking down Katakuri
He was begging him to "fall already" lol

When Luffy Kaido do not value you as someone incredibly strong, then you are trash.

They still cant explain how will Doffy do better than G4 boundman against Katakuri
When Doffy skills and speed are poor
Doffy fanboys just can't accept that Katakuri>>>Doffy. They hate on Katakuri because they want attention.