That's only a DC feat, Zoro is easily faster than Roshi, OP characters are easily in the relativistic range feats wise. Plus Roshi's durability is <<<<<<<<< his busting output.
Oda " you really think I'll show you Roger skills ?" Fans " but you been teasing this battle" Oda "oh, did I promise you that?" Fans " wait - you really gonna do this huh? Offpanel?" oda " you can still wait another 20 years" fans " Screw you Man"
episode was honestly great, dont let your enjoyment be ruined because of power scaling. we know toei adds extra scenes, this was one of the best ways they could do it. dont show that kaido is getting hurt. dont let kaido bleed. dont let kaido do too many serious attacks and dont let luffy tank a serious attack from kaido. my only nitpick is the extra boro breath that was unnecessary and doesnt fit with kaidos ''i dont give a shit'' motif. next week were gonna show these anime only's what it actually did
Episode was good, people put too much stock in power struggles. Remember Luffy vs Batman? Toei will do whatever the hell they have to do to pad the episode to fill runtime.
episode was honestly great, dont let your enjoyment be ruined because of power scaling. we toei adds extra scenes, this was one of the best ways they could do it. dont show that kaido is getting hurt. dont let kaido bleed. dont let kaido do too many serious attacks and dont let luffy tank a serious attack from kaido. my only nitpick is the extra boro breath that was unnecessary and doesnt fit with kaidos ''i dont give a shit'' motif. next week were gonna show these anime only's what it actually did
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