It was a pretty funny chapter from the Japanese I could understand lol. Kidd and Killer wanted to trash the school while Luffy and Law wanted to keep the school clean so they had a competition.
(Lol. In this part Luffy is laughing at Kidd and calling him a “nice guy” because his giant arm is attracting garbage which is helping Luffy clean.
Killer says something like: “Why are you cleaning the place Kidd?”
Kidd says: “Shut up! I’m not cleaning!” And then goes to destroy Laws classroom with the metal arm
In the end home room teacher Aokiji gave Luffy and Kidd detention because they destroyed the school fighting. Law ended up getting it too for reason lol

(Lol. In this part Luffy is laughing at Kidd and calling him a “nice guy” because his giant arm is attracting garbage which is helping Luffy clean.
Killer says something like: “Why are you cleaning the place Kidd?”
Kidd says: “Shut up! I’m not cleaning!” And then goes to destroy Laws classroom with the metal arm

Must be My trash Country Blocking website ( Funnily enough, even Leddit gets Blocked)