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I hate this so much. Criticism is forbidden within the OP community because gOdA is perfect.
Just read the comments, this Geo guy seems one of these who just scream how perfect wano is to earn likes, in fact morj is right, I reread recently the old arcs and the fight where better, what Oda did with Usopp,Nami,Brook and Chopper is awful, don´t even start with Pageone,Jack,Perospero and Hawkins...
You have here rushed fights and offscreen panels, who are just awful, saying wano has the best fights is wrong in many ways..
At this point I kinda asking if these guys ever read pre timeskip fights...
Just read the comments, this Geo guy seems one of these who just scream how perfect wano is to earn likes, in fact morj is right, I reread recently the old arcs and the fight where better, what Oda did with Usopp,Nami,Brook and Chopper is awful, don´t even start with Pageone,Jack,Perospero and Hawkins...
You have here rushed fights and offscreen panels, who are just awful, saying wano has the best fights is wrong in many ways..
At this point I kinda asking if these guys ever read pre timeskip fights...

I am actually not sure when it started but it seems nowadays theres a subset of fans that won’t even accept any kind of constructive criticism. Everything is perfect and if you don’t like even one aspect, you are not a true fan and you should stop reading. Its not just a one piece thing
Just read the comments, this Geo guy seems one of these who just scream how perfect wano is to earn likes, in fact morj is right, I reread recently the old arcs and the fight where better, what Oda did with Usopp,Nami,Brook and Chopper is awful, don´t even start with Pageone,Jack,Perospero and Hawkins...
You have here rushed fights and offscreen panels, who are just awful, saying wano has the best fights is wrong in many ways..
At this point I kinda asking if these guys ever read pre timeskip fights...
Wano is just disappointing.
Mid fights overall, wasted time on unnecessary characters, no tension and fake deaths.
Even if Kinemon dies… it wouldn’t be impactful because we had so many fake deaths.

Are their people who really think the flying six fights been good?
I mean what is this shit:
Are these guys reading One piece for the firsttime or something?
Lmao saying wano has the best fights is kinda wrong, pre timeskip fights from Alabasta/EnniesLobby>Wano fights expect the ones who been fighting with Kaido at perhaps King.

The strawhats battle where not really great, except Robin and Zoro battle, the rest where awful.
Morj splitting facts.
I enjoyed the chapters of the fights, but they're really nothing compared to the fights in Enies Lobby or Alabasta. There's just no emotional investment in Wano, even Yamcha vs the saibaiman had more emotional stakes.
If the raid doesn't fail then I guess Wano was just an arc about the strawhats wiping the floor with the Beast Pirates, and while it is enjoyable, the arc could be so much more.


Talent is something you make bloom.
"WanO iS beTtER tHan sYruP ViLLaGe".

The only reason Wano is not the worst arc, is that people include arcs that at best last 20 chapters on the list.
Wano is a 100+ chapters clown fiesta that occasionally have good chapters.
But imagine not having a few wins with this sheer amount of chapters.
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