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I said it

If bm wins, They will trash SN duo
If she loses, they downplay SN duo feat by claiming BM is weakest top tier or below Admirals

Yet no Admiral has better feat than her or close
Big mom awakening confirmed? :yasu::madmonk:

Seriously though, sending out a message for Oda, why won't you show us her awakening or at least tell us if we've seen it already? Sigh.

I always assumed Tolland was her awaking
Taking and manipulating the souls of others
Drastically changing the environment

Paramecia awakings seem to usually center around changing or manipulating something outside yourself or the inverse (boa Hancock maybe)

I think eating her own lifespan was the power up moment for her

The problem is that there's so much going and oda rarely fleshes out a moment for it to reach full impact for a lot of people
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