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I didn't read all the previous posts. I was busy in the German thread
I am too dumb and too German to understand jokes.
I am always very serious. When and I mean, IF I make a joke I always make sure to inform everyone involved so I can be sure there are no misunderstandings whatsoever, besides, joking in the wrong place or time can be highly offensive and may lead to an unpleasant emotional state in the recipient or recipients of said joke. I hope my explanation was of sufficient precision and that, albeit my English vocabulary is very limited and far from as versatile as that of, let's say, KiriNigiri or Cinera, there are no misunderstandings left on your side that may decrease the quality of your personal life and emotional state.
Thank you for bearing with me! If I, just in case, might have failed to fulfill your expectations on what an accurate explanation is supposed to look like, I am very willing to offer paying the ultimate price in the form of ritualized self-execution or, as it might also been known, Sudoku, while generally associated with the Nipponense cultural heritage, may be appropriate for any individual regardless of their cultural association without taking the shape of an act of cultural appropriation.
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