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Last week during breaks, I've been working on a memega. It's a dumb satire on weekly spoiler tweaking. I'm having second thoughts whether people will find it offensive. It's definitely not meant to be. I honestly just enjoy joking around with everybody. And I want to spread some laughs as y'all are waiting for spoilers to drop. I'll post the 2 chapters I have now, and if it's out of bounds I'm asking the mods to delete it.
The memega's title is "Fiends vs Providers" :suresure:


Nice effort....I am laughing like anything....hope no one got offended in this meme and will continue the meme there any role for me?.....:goyea:

Formerly Seth

I just HATE that Kinemon is going to meet up with Tsuru after the war.
Would have been better for him to die.
That's not the problem. That would be a cool way to finish his journey with peace. The problem is he became a useless joke provider and fake hype of Scabbards vs Kaido rematch + Kaido didn't kill him with advCoC attack like c'mon bruh.
certain man here called it a "tactical retreat" not based on fear
tactical retreat is dumb excuse by Erkan12. van augar guy is look for Blackbeard pirates . He is say akainu on battleship.
‘Blackbeard decided run away leaving hostage behind and his crewmate called him ”you fail big time, ha ha “.
‘Even shyriu decide to leave and agree with Blackbeard running away even shyrui is former world government employee.
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